The Maine' : The Personal .narrative Of Captain Sigsbee.
Fisher Unwin. 69.)—The Captain of the 'Maine' gives us in this book the most minute account of the mysterious disaster which befell his vessel in the harbour of Havana. In the......
George Stephenson. By David J. Deane. (s. W. Partridge And
Co. is. 6d.)—Mr. Deane tells again a story familiar indeed, but not likely to weary its readers. He does justice to the pioneers of rail- ways, the tramways which were laid down......
The Cyclopedia Of Home Arts. With Nearly 600...
Designs. Edited and compiled by Montague Marks. (C. A. Pearson. 7s. 6d.)—This is a comprehensive and well-arranged book, dealing chiefly with the technical side of art. The......
The Spoolak And The Antidote. By Leila Troppmann. (sands And
Co. 5s.)—This children's picture-book was looked at with approval by a five-year-old critic, and pronounced to be very nice." Little can be added to that, but we should like to......
The Magazines.
THE Nineteenth Century for May contains many papers of a certain interest, though none of the first rank. The two attacks on Russia with which it commences do not impress us. We......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this Heading we nonce such Books of the week as hare not been reserved for review in other forms.] The Martyrdom of Labour. By Alfred Thomas Story. (G. Red- way.......
Current Literature.
The present, or April, number of the Quarterly .Reriew is a little flat. The articles are all good, but there is little distinction in any of them, nothing which gives any one......