6 MAY 1899, Page 24
SHORT STORIES.—Two of these volumes may be mentioned together :—By
Creek and Gully. By Australian Writers in England. Edited by Lida Fisher. (T. Fisher Unwin. 6s.)—We have, not reckoning an introduction in verse by the editor, twenty sketches and stories, in verse and prose, by various writers, among whom may be mentioned Mrs. Patchett Martin, E. W. Hornuag, Hume Nisbet, Douglas Sladen, Mrs. Campbell Praed, and Louis Becke. Subjects and writers are alike of the world of the .Antipodes.--Children, Racehorses, and Ghosts. by Edward H.
Cipper (Duckworth and Co., 3s. 6d.), is a reprint of twenty-two short dories from sundry magazines and newspapers.