Monday 1st November, being the day usually fixed for the half-yearly closing of the Transfer books at the Bank of England, was observed as a holiday at the Stock Exchange. On Tuesday the market for English Se- curities opened heavily, Consols, 98/ 981, the dealers for the most part showing an inclination to effect sales; business has been very moderate, but quotations have declined and # per cent, the increase in the demand for gold, with reports of large amounts still to be withdrawn for the Continent, and the state of Foreign Exchanges, are the chief causes of the present ad- verse movement ; it as, probable the near approach of the Consol settling May also have some influence in producing a certain heaviness, as it is thought to be rather a " Bull" Account. Yesterday the Bank Directors separated without reducing the rate of interest, and Consols declined /.per cent, although a reduction had not been looked for; indeed, if the require- ments for the Continent and the East go on increasing on early advance in the rate would be the more probable. Today Consols have been alternately 971 and 98, closing finally 97# sellers. Reduced and New Three per Cente, are 961 96:; Bank Stock marks, 227. There has been but little doing in the Foreign Stook Market during the whole of the week, and prices have in instances remained stationary, with one or two exceptions there is scarcely a difference in the quotation. Turk- ish Stock has shown Considerable weakness, the New Scrip was at one time quoted at 1 dis. but it is now par. Peruvian has improved in some instances to the extent of 2 per cent. and there is still an appearance of a better mar- ket. Enquiry still continues to be made for the Victor Emmanuel Mortgage Loan., the pnce being 98 99; Mexican, 20/ 20# ; Peruvian Four-and-Half Per Cent, 911 921 ; Ditto Three per Cent, 73 74; 1Jribarren Peruvian,
84 85 ; Peruvian Dollars, 79 81; Turkish Six per Cents, 921921; Ditto Four per Cents, 105 105k; Ditto Scrip, No. 1, dis. and prem. ; Ditto No. 2, par and / preen. ; Spanish Three per Cents, 47 474 ; Ditto Deferred, 30/ 30 • Ditto Certificates, sk. ; Venezuela, 40 41; Portuguese, 47 47i. A. rather less than average business has been passing in the Railway Share Market this week, quotations showing a decline all round in sympathy, with the demmssion in the English Stock Market. Great Western has fallen to 541 1 per cent below the value last Saturday ; Midland has likewise receded I, and Lancashire and Yorkshire,/ ; London and North-Western, I, London and South-Western, I, and Berwick 1 percent; Caledonian Stock closes 83 831; Brighton, 109 111; North Staffordshire, 41 41 dia. Great Northern shares, 28,1 26g; Sh'effield, 35 35/ ; Oxford, Worcester and Wol- verhampton, 13/ 141; SOuth-Eastern and Dover, 221 22/. This has been
the least active day in the week. -
The Foreign Railway Markets are' steady, prices firm in consequence of increasing traffics ; Pans and Lyons, 341 35 ; Northern of France, 38139•• Paris and Strasbourg, 27 281 ; Indian shares are fiat, but from no especial cause ; East Indian, 1061 107; Madras 20/. shares, 20/ 201; Great Indian Peninsula, 21 211.