Sib. Peter Fairdairn And Mit. Bright.
Sir Peter Fairbairn entered the lists against Mr. Bright in a speech he made last week at the anniversary dinner of the West Riding Trade Protection Society held at Barnsley.......
Mr. Smith O'Brien has at last appeared on the platform, and has made a big speech to the young Irelanders at Clonmel. It was a deliberate defence of his rebel conduct in 1848; a......
Beforni Meetings.
Mr. Edward Miall has been wooing the electors of Banbury as the head of a deputation from the London Parliamentary Reform Associa- tion. The local society convened a meeting for......
The Confessional.
Public meetings touching the confessiOtal begin to be held in the pro- vinces. At Southampton, on Wednesday, Lord IL Cholmondeley pre- sided over a large assembly called to......
Church - Rates.
The clergy of the archdeaconry of Ely have held a meeting to take into consideration the question of church-rates. It seemed generally to be regarded that the ultimate aim of......