The Burning Of The Eastern City.
Full details of the burning of the Eastern City, an Australian steamer, have arrived. She left the Mersey for Melbourne in July with a heavy cargo, 180 passengers, and 47......
On the 5th July, at Wanganui, New Zealand, Frederick Wemyss, Lieutenant E 31 .'s 66th Regiment, son of Lieutenant-General Wemyss, C.D.; in his 26th year On the 15th September,......
On the 11th September, at Byculla Church, Bombay, Lieutenant Frederick Scri- vener, Superintendent of Army Schools under the Bombay Presidency, to Emma, third daughter of George......
Bank Op England.
An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 3t1 day of Nov. 1868. 19905 DIPASTRILIGT. Notes Issued 432,403,940 Government......
Postscript. Saturday.
The London Parliamentary Reform Association, wakened into activity by the approach of the session and the speeches of Mr. Bright, called a Conference, which was held yesterday......
On the 26th October, at Norwich, the Wife of Major Brandling, C.B., Royal Horse Artillery, of a daughter. On the 27th, at Glenarm Castle, N. Ireland, the Countess of Antrim, of......