All about Dogs. By C. H. Lane, Breeder, Exhibitor, and Judge. With 87 Illustrations from celebrated Champion Dogs by R. H. Moore. (John Lane. 7s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Lane writes about dogs mainly as we see them on the show. bench, and Mr. Moore illustrates them from the same point of view. It is a useful form of treatmeat, for it shows the dog in all forms of physical perfection, and gives an accurate idea of what the people who make the breeding of dogs a hobby and pursuit think each kind and variety should be, so far as form and structure go. A good deal of interesting anecdote about the "inner dog" is also given, and stories of their fortunes in shows, and hints for management in sickness and health. But the author is mainly concerned in showing what the physique of each kind should be, and what are the breeds. Like Dr. Caius, he groups them according to their services to man, either in sport, work, "performances," or as mere pets. But the value of the book rests on its description of the " points " and history of the breeds as they have been built up and stereotyped by modern
fanciers. To outsiders this is rather dull. But they must remember that it is to the people who have taken the trouble to attend to these things that we owe the immense increase of highly bred dogs of every kind and sort which any one can pur- chase at pleasure, with a pedigree guaranteeing the purity of their blood.