6 OCTOBER 1900, page 8
On The Care Of Children.
The Care of the Child in Health. By Nathan Oppenheim, A.B. (Harv.), M.D. (Coll. P. and S., N.Y.) (Macmillan and Co. 6s.) It would greatly improve this book to substitute the......
King Alfred's Version Of Rah Consolations Of Borthi13s.
King Alfred's Version of the Consolations of Boithius. Done into Modern English, with an Introduction, by Walter John Sedge- field, Litt.D. (Henry Frowde. 4e. Gd.)—This charming......
Mr. Graham's "darnley."
Darnley. By David Graham. (A. Constable and Co. 5s.)— Mr. Graham's Darnley sustains, without adding to it, the reputa- tion won by his Rizzio. But to say this is to imply an......