Mr. George Wyndham, Addressing A Meeting At Derby On Monday,
spoke at length on the subject of military defence. He said that they were no longer content that the Home Army should serve merely as a recruiting office and an elementary......
The Elections Have Not Been Lacking In Surprises And Sensa-
tions. It speaks well for the good sense of "canny Newcastle" that the electors did not allow themselves to be distracted from the main issue by so engaging and romantic a......
The Daily Telegraph Of Monday Gives Some Interesting...
to Lord Fairfax, whose death took place on Friday week at his plantation, Northampton, Prince George County, Maryland,—a house a hundred and fifty years old, with an estate of......
We Are Glad To Note That Mr. Horace Plunkett, The
Unionist candidate in Dublin County, has very pluckily refused to promise to vote against giving Irish Roman Catholics the kind of University education they desire. If he is......
Mr. Bennet Bnrleigh Tells In The Daily Telegraph Of Monday
an excellent story of Lord Kitchener. A certain Yeomanry commander whilst on parade rated his men in unmeasured terms. Nothing was right that the troopers did. They sat their......
Mr. Rudyard Kipling Contributes To Thursday's Times A
very striking poem on the entry of Australia into the circle of the free nations of the Empire, entitled "The Young Queen." The poem must be read in its entirety to obtain a......
The Westminster Gazette, Which Is Establishing A Reputa-...
recondite quotation, gives in its issue of Tuesday a striking passage from a letter addressed by Bolingbroke to Harley while the latter was first Minister of the Crown. He told......
The Roman Correspondent Of The Morning Post States That The
Italian Government under the new regime, though it acts very sternly in regard to actual disaffection among the Bishops and clergy, is doing the Church a real service by......
The Sydney Newspapers Contain Reports Of An Interview...
Barton, the Federal delegate from New South Wales, in which he gives his impressions of the leading British politicians. He expresses the opinion that Lord Salisbury is "still......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (21) were on Friday 98i.......