On Monday news was received that the Emperor of China
had addressed a letter to the German Emperor apologising for the murder of the German Minister. His subordinates, says the Emperor, have acted disgracefully, and he his ordered Grand Councillor Kun-kang "to offer oblations before the dead Minister's coffin," while Li Hung Chang and Lin Knn-yi are to offer every facility for the return of the coffin to Germany. "When it reaches Germany I have ordered my Minister in Berlin, Lu Hai-hwan, again to make oblations. Thus I wish to show my profound regrets." 'Formerly," continues the Emperor, "our two countries were peaceful. I now appeal to you, out of regard for our common interests, to allow early peace negotiations, so that perpetual peace may be assured. I make this special earnest appeal." It is one of the ironies of the situation that it is impossible to tell for certain whether this strange document was really written by the Emperor, or merely issued in his name by the Empress. In all probability, however, the letter is genuine.