The extraordinary session of the Free Church General Assem- bly
at Inverness which has just closed, has had some practical conclusions which may not be without advantage in the present state oi Scotland. The Assembly adopted a plan for supplying the "spiritual destitution" in the Highlands by means of relays of ministers sent from other parts, each for two months at a time : so that the Free Church has found out a way to mitigate one of the great grievances about which so much was made. Possibly, if it tried in equal good faith, it might contrive a way to get over the difficulty caused in some measure by its own too imperious de- mand for sites whereon to build churches, and the consequent re- fusal. At all events, it has authorized negotiations with some perverse landlords in a less immoderate spirit ; and that quarrel may possibly subside without any hazardous attempt at legisla- tive interference. On the whole, the sally of the Scotch orthodox Dissenters into the Highlands promises to have useful results.