6 SEPTEMBER 1845, page 10

Edward William Searle, A Respectable Middle-aged Man, Was...

Bow street Police-office, today, with creating a disturbance at Clarence House St. James's Palace. He had endeavoured once or twice before to obtain admission; but last night he......

Sir Henry Be La Beebe And Mr. Lyon Playfair Have

been deputed by Govern- ment to inquire into the causes of the explosion at Jarrow Colliery. . During some interesting and successful experiments on the Croydon Atmo- spheric......

The Southwark Candidates Severally Held Meetings Of Their...

night; and Mr. Miall took occasion to refer to Sir William Moles- worth's last speech. He said, the contest was assuming more the aspect of theological controversy than he could......


SATURDAY NIGHT. Gotha was devoted on Tuesday to music; the Royal folks joining in the devotion to the art. The Thuringian Musical Society held its third 'yearly festival, not at......

The Paris Papers Of Thursday Contain A Despatch From Marshal

Bugeaud, an- nouncing two expeditions against the Sheha tribe; a party of whom, being driven into a grotto, capitulated; while others were killed by the explosion of a mine.......

Hl 0.net Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The English Funds have been heavy for the last few days, in the almost total absence of any business; and the appearance is still gloomy, the......