Edward William Searle, a respectable middle-aged man, was charged at
Bow street Police-office, today, with creating a disturbance at Clarence House St. James's Palace. He had endeavoured once or twice before to obtain admission; but last night he was more peremptory in his demand, saying that the Queen WU his sister and the Dutchess of Kent his mother, and that he must see her Royal Highness. After a struggle, he was forced out of the house; and as he began to break the windows, he was arrested. Replying to the Magistrate in a very incoherent strain, Mr. Searle persisted in his claim to admission, on the Score of his Royal relationship; but added, that if he had done anything wrong, it was owing to the large quantities of medicine which he had been obliged to take. He was clearly insane. Be was detained, in order to a consultation with the parish-officers as to his being placed in safe custody.