6 SEPTEMBER 1845, page 21
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, Sept. 2. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Taylor and Co. Colchester, cabinet-makers ; as far as regards J. Taylor—Stevens and Co. Queen Street, Cheapside, attornles ; as far as......
Prices Current.
BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) &turd. Monday. Tuesday. Irednes., Thurs. Frisloy. FORE 1 (Last Official Quotation during Alabama (Sterling) 1p. Ct• — Austrian I — Belgian 41......
Military Gazette.
WAR-omcz, Sept. 2.—let Drag. Guards—Lieut. C. Arkwright, from the 7th Drag. Guards, to be Lieut. vice Riddell, who exchanges. 7th Drag. Guards—Lieut. T. M. Riddell, from the 1st......