[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin, —The Rev. W. D. Thomas writes that Communists are a small minority in Mardy. But he will hardly deny that for all practical purposes they rule the place, with the help of elements in sympathy with them or under their control.
In this respect all the " Little Moscows " of South Wales are small replicas of the " Big Moscow " of Russia, with a highly organized, aggressive, and ruthless minority established in authority and overawing or intimidating the helpless majority. Mr. Yeats-Brown was correct in describing such places as Communist, for they are Communist in the same sense as Russia is Communist.
I suggest a test to Mr. Thomas. Let him ask the Christian anti-Communist majority of whom he writes to tear down the portraits of Russian Soviet leaders in the Workmen's Hall, and replace them with Christian texts and emblems, and see what response he receives !—I am, Sir, &c., HEN Mu.wn.