It Is Reported From China That Chiang Kai-shek Is At
last starting on his advance from Nanking against Peking. - The Shanghai correspondent of the Times says that his armies are equipped with a large propaganda department, whose......
Germany Is To Be Congratulated On The Promptness With Which
she has made good her promise to prevent the export of arms to China. When the China Arms Embargo Agreement was concluded in 1919 certain Powers were not represented. Traders in......
It Is Good News That The Lord Mayors Of London
Cardiff and Newcastle have opened a Fund for the relief of the miners' distress. Such a Fund is not opened except on critical occasions, and there is no doubt what- ever of the......
The Upper Houses Of Convocation Having Approved, Of The...
Prayer Book Measure, passed it on last week to the Lower Houses, who on Thursday, March 29th, also gave their approval, by 176 votes to 67. The next step is for the Measure to......
Mr. Baldwin, Who Wound Up The Debate, Explained Why The
Government had omitted both redistribution and a revision of the Corrupt Practices Act. The Speaker had felt unable to preside over a conference to consider the whole matter as......
The Franchise Bill Had A Great Victory In The House
of Commons on Thursday, March 29th, when the second reading was carried by 387 votes to 10. Sir William Joynson-Hicks, who spoke first for the Government, described the Bill as......
The Committee Contrast With The Disappointing Results In...
fact that in the United States an increase of 64 per cent. in power capacity has called forth an , almost exactly equivalent increase in output. The result here is a......
The Monarchical Group In France Known As Action Franfaise...
been finally banned by the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Church, itself historically based upon a rigid discipline, has always taken the view that it is wrong for members of......
On. Tuesday The Committee On Industry And Trade Which Was
appointed by .111r. MacDonald in 1924 issued the fourth instalment of their important Report. It is believed that the next instalments will follow quickly, and that the seventh......