It Is Reported From China That Chiang Kai-shek Is At
last starting on his advance from Nanking against Peking. - The Shanghai correspondent of the Times says that his armies are equipped with a large propaganda department, whose......
The Bare Truth Is That France And Italy Mean To
have their own people properly protected and not exposed to extortion and personal danger from local officials and mobs. If Britain withdrew, France and Italy would instantly......
Mustapha Pasha Nahas, The New Wafd Prime Minister In Egypt,
is in an exceptionally illogical position, and he makes the task of those who are striving for a very friendly settlement proportionately difficult. For the Constitution which......
The Egyptian Government Says, In Effect, " We Are Quite
competent to protect foreigners and their property. You have nothing whatever to do with it and we shall interpret any attempt on your part to provide protection as a denial of......
News Of The Week
THE extreme difficulty of the Egyptian situation was indicated by the holding of a special Cabinet meeting on Monday. The immediate matter to be considered was the Egyptian Note......
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