157 Fenehureh Street, 6th August 1858.
Sra—We appeal to your sense of justice to allow us to correct a misappre- hension under which you evidently laboured in writing the article which appeared in the Spectator of the 24th ultimo, referring to the destruction of our property at 1Jleaborg, in the Gulf of Bothnia. That property con- slated not of timber available for war purposes, but of boards and deals from one inch to three inches in thickness, and short lengths. You will see that this simple fact relieves us from the charge of seeking compensation for the destruction of "materials of war "—and, moreover, the treaty of 1801, between England and Russia, provides that deals, timber, and many other articles, (the natural produce of Russia,) shall not be deemed contraband of war in case of any war breaking out any time.
We remain, Sir, your obedient servants, MATHIPSON and RITTER.