The experiment of transferring a French opera from the Paris Opera Comique to the London Italian stage, which has proved so successful at the Royal Italian Opera in the case of......
Slit T4tatrts.
The sojourn of Mr. Ira Aldridge at the Lyceum did not extend beyond a week, and the theatre has lately worn a comedy aspect, the Love- Chase being revived with Mrs. Charles......
Parliamentary Statistics: Session 1857-8.
I. MINISTERIAL. LAW. Customs Duties, No. 2. Financial. Stamp Duty on Drafts. Bank Issues Indemnity.* Consolidated Fund: 11,000,0001. East India Loan.* Portumna Bridge, Ireland :......
Money Market.
43TOCIC EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Transactions in the English Stock Market have been considerably more numerous this week, although the chief business has been in connexion......