7 AUGUST 1858, page 21
FROM TILE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 3. Bankruptcy Annulkd.-Satrum. TROUNCE, Bristol, provision-merchant. Bankrupts.-WILLIAJS ELLERDY WnaxEr and WILLLUI JOHN ErmsTEen, Wood Street,......
From The London Gazette, August 6.
WAR Orsics, Pall Mall, August 6.-Cavalry-lst Regiment of Drag. Guards- Lieut. W. C. Wingfield to be Capt. by purchase, vice Bridge, who retires ; Cornet B. 11. Crewe to be......
Prices Current.
BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Satan!. Monday. Tuesday. Wednea. -- 5 per Cent Consols 965 96 96 96i Ditto for Account 961 961 961 90 3 per Cents Reduced 961 961 961 961 New 3......