The members of the previous Tory Government who are most
"conspicuous by their absence" from this Administration, are Lord Carnarvon, the Duke of Richmond and Gordon, and Lord Harrowby, in the Cabinet; and also Mr. Chaplin and Mr. Bourke, out of it. Mr. Chaplin declined his former post of Presi- dent of the Local Government Board, because he did not think that in the new Government he could with advantage undertake a post likely to be so responsible without the authority which a place in the Cabinet would give him. Lord Harrowby, though in many respects a popular man, has never, we believe, exercised much influence over the counsels of the Government; and Lord Car- narvon is probably excluded by the well-known bias towards the views of the Home-rulers which he confessed in the House of Lords on June 10th. The Duke of Richmond and Gordon probably prefers the position of a private supporter of the Government to official responsibilities.