THE SHIP OF STATE. (HO RACE.—Boos. I., On 14 ). AD PATRIAM. Slur of the State, beware ! Grapple the port : fling all thine anchors down. New floods, new eddies, bear Thy frail......
Theosophy And Buddhism.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I have been out of England for the last three weeks, and have but just received extracts from the Spectator of July 17th with Dr.......
The Churchilta.d.
CJIUItCIIILLES' tongue, to Britain's isles the spring Of troubled omen, Fortune's goddess, sing ! The tongue whose hollow democratic chords Sent Northcote's honoured head to......
The Baker Street "mad-dog" Case.
[1 . 0 THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Allow me to reply briefly to the two correspondents who wrote in your last issue about the Baker Street "mad-dog" case. In answer to......
Mr. Chamberlain's Position.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Permit me to express the deep gratitude and pleasure with which I read your article on Mr. Chamberlain. Radicals are often compelled to......
The Positivist "phantom."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,— One word in reply to your note on my letter last week. I complain of nothing. I do not wish you to express any opinion on the doctrines......