It Is Curious That A Speech Of M. Jules Ferry's,
delivered in the Vosges as long ago as Sunday week, was not reported even in Paris till yesterday week, and did not, of course, reach England except by way of Paris. And yet it......
The Elections For Councils-general In France Have Not...
altered the relative position of the two parties. The -elections of Sunday show the return of 847 Republicans, and 411 Conservatives or Reactionaries, showing a net loss of 2......
There Appears To Be Little Chance That The Extradition...
between England and the United States will pass the Senate before the adjournment, which is now close at hand. The Com- mittee on Foreign Affairs reported favourably on the......
Mr. Gladstone Has Also Made Four New Baronets,—mr....
for the Hallamshire Division of the West Riding ; Mr. Palmer, M.P. for the Jarrow Division of Durham ; Mr. Jones- Parry, who has represented Carnarvonshire, and more recently......
Heidelberg Has Been Celebrating Its Quincentenary This...
solemnity, one of the most curious features of the occasion being the presentation by the Pope to the University of a splendid catalogue of the works and MSS. of which Tilly......
It Is Curious That The Royal Assent Of The Queen-regent
of Spain to the Commercial Treaty with England has been imme- -diately followed by the resignation of Senor Camacho, the Minister of Finance, who had done so much to forward the......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent. Consols Were On Friday 101i
to 1011.......
On Leaving Office, Mr. Gladstone Advised The Conferring Of A
batch of honours. Four commoners were made Peers,—Sir Thomas Brassey, K.C.B.; Sir Michael Arthur Base; Mr. J. G. C. Hamilton, of Dalzell ; and Sir Henry Thring, K.C.B., the......