Sun—Mr. H. E. Morgan, in advocating economy, says we must develop every foot of land. That would surely be the best possible kind of economy—not merely the most careful use of what we possess, but a greatly increased production through developing millions of acres of unused and under-used land in these islands, But an obstacle is in the way in the will and the power of the landowners, an obstacle which even the present national peril has not modified. There is a practical moans by which every foot of land' can be made available to labour and capital, and that is the Taxation of Land Values. There is a large body of public opinion in the country favourable to this reform, and only the land valuation is required for its immediate adoption. If the official valuation cannot be completed and revised in the very near future, an owner's valuation could be taken and used in the meantime. The whole of Australia was valued in this way in ten weeks, and it would probably be a rapid and inexpensive We do not want to be censorious, but we are bound to say it is amazing that a paper owned by Quakers, and acquired with the object of showing that a newspaper can be produced by decent and self-respecting editors and writers for decent and self-respecting readers, could have inserted the above advertisement. Presumably the answer is: "If Captain Coe's betting tips did not stick in the gullet of the anti. gambling proprietors of the Daily News why should ' Brides in the Bath 'P" We can only ask our correspondent not to let himself fall into thinking that the Daily News, the Daily Mail, and the Daily Sketch represent England.—En. Spectator.]