God's Strong- People. Fto The Editor Of The...
folloWing extract from a letter of a young subaltern may be of interest, and confirms all written under the beading of " God's Strong People " in your issue of July 24th. After......
A Voice From Rhodesia.
[To THE EDITOR OF Till "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—May I through your columns call the attention of those whom it concerns to the fact that there are a considerable number of district......
"economy And The Land.
Sun—Mr. H. E. Morgan, in advocating economy, says we must develop every foot of land. That would surely be the best possible kind of economy—not merely the most careful use of......
Is It Worth It P [to The Editor Of The
"SPECTATOR!'] SIR,—Try as I will this question stares me in the face. I have just read the Daily News and Leader (being the only available newspaper for me) of July 31st. I......
A Latin Poster.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Viorld the following not have found its way to English friends already (it has come to me via Switzerland) it may serve to show the......
A Correction.
[To TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, —The writer of "The Pacificiet Vision in America" in your number of July 24th has the gift of thrilling quotation; and I for one thank......