Bantam Battalions.
[To THE EDITOR OF TIIIC "SPECTATOR."1 Sin,—As we are all looking forward expectantly to the work shortly to be performed by our "bantam battalions," it may be interesting to......
The Height Of St. Paul's.
[To THE. EDITOR OP THE . srserAroa.”] SIR,—It may be of interest to call attention to the fact that this question was raised in the July to December volume of Notes and Queries,......
"the Wratislas Dynasty."
[To TUE EDITOR 07 TIM "SPECTATOR.") Sut,—Permit me to say, in reference to the letter of Mr. James Baker in your last issue, that be is mistaken as to the Rev. A. H. Wratislaw......
[to Thz Editor 01 The 11 Spectator. "] Sir, — Over And Over
again for several months I have asked my fellow-rankers in and out of hospital the following question: Which do you like best—the V.A.D. Hospital or the Regular Military......
V.a.d. Nurses.
ere THII EDITOR OF TH1 " EIZZOTAT011."1 SIR, —May I add one word to the correspondence on the subject of the V.A.D. nurses and their recognition by their professional sisters P......
"bulrushes" For Fodder.
[To SHE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—" B.'s" letter in your last issue recommending " bul- rushes " or "rushes," or ,Arundo Phragmites, as a substitute for hay when summer......
Recruiting And Registration.
[To TRZ EDITOR OP TER "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—It is a great pity that other newspapers have not followed your example in laying stress on the probability that men who are " fetched "......
[to Thz Editor Or Thr "spectat070] Sin,—while One Must...
sincerely the treatment which V.A.D. nurses in hospitals occasionally receive from the staff, it is only fair to take into consideration the trials of the trained nurses at the......