7 DECEMBER 1918, Page 13


[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—In the University elections the Single Transferable Vote is being used for the first time, and I have had very many inquiries from University electors as to the way in which they can vote to the best advantage. Some are under the Impression that they will benefit their favourite if they " plump " for him; that is, if they mark the figure 1 against his name and refrain from recording preferences for any other candidate. My invariable answer is that " plumping " cannot possibly benefit a candidate, that the elector's vote may be wasted if additional nreferenees are not recorded, and that it is to the interest of the elector that he should use to the full his opportunity of marking preferences. Electors should ignore all advice counselling them to limit their preferences. I trust you can publish this little note, as it is impossible to get into touch with all the University electors. A leaflet, giving particulars of the instructions to voters, will be forwarded on application to—