A Strange Incident In This Wirepulling Is The Emergence Of
Miss Christabel Pankhurst at Smethwick as the one and only woman candidate enjoying the approval of the Coalition. Major Thompson, the Unionist candidate, had begun his......
The Prime Minister, Speaking At Newcastle On Friday Week,...
the Coalition Ministry as the only possible alternative to government by Mr. Asquith's Liberal group or the Labour Party controlled by Mr. Ramsay MacDonald. His Unionist......
The Attempt Of The Coalition Whips To Apportion Most Of
the British constituencies among approved Unionists and Liberals has caused much heart-burning in both Parties, as might have been expected. In Central Wandsworth, for example,......
Tuesday's Papers Contained An Interchange Of Letters...
the Liberal Whip, and Mr. Churchill, regarding the adoption of twenty-nine Unionists and twenty-eight Liberals as Coalition candidates in Scotland. Mr. Gulland asked how Mr.......
News Of The Week.
W EDNESDAY was Nomination Day. According to the Times, a hundred and eight Members were elected without opposition. Of these, seventy-one—forty-one Unionists, twenty- nine......
The Government Apparently Did Not Realize At First That The
British public, who think of one thing at a time, are primarily inter- ested in the punishment of the German Emperor and his accomplices and tools. Mr. Lloyd George's general......
Mr. Asquith At Huddersfield On Thursday Week Attacked The...
with more vigour than he has shown of late. The forcing of a General Election at this juncture " was a profound blunder." The present bartering of seats and ticketing of......
I S * The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any...
or letters submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do his beat to return contributions in case of rejection.......
The Paper Shortage.
TO OUR READERS.—It is now necessary for readers to place a definite order for the " Spectator" with their Newsagent or at one of the Railway Book- stalls. Should any reader......