Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice Is this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.) THE DNCEMBES Monienaes.—The Nineteenth Century contains an instructive article by Mr. J. A. R. Marriott......
Peraonalia. By E. S. P. Haynes. (selwyn And Blount. 4a
6d. net.)—In this pleasant little - volume of essays may be found reminiscences of the late Edward Thomas; of Master George Pollock, who was a son of the famous Chief Baron and......
We Have Received A Copy Of The Message Addressed By
the Governor of the Gold Coast, Sir Hugh Clifford, to the Legislative Council in regard to the Estimates for 1919, which throws an interesting light on the Constitutional......
Reveille. No. 2. Edited By John Galsworthy. (stationery...
6d. net.)—Mr. Galsworthy has enlisted many distin- guished contributors, like Mr. Hardy, M. Brieux, Sir Owen Seaman, and Mr. Chesterton, for this second number of his quarterly,......
Messrs. Edward Stanford Have Issued In Good Time For The
Election an excellent coloured Two-Inch Map of London and its Environs (7s. (kl.), showing the new Parliamentary divisions, many of which differ widely from the old, especially......
Map Work. By Seymour Bryant And T. H. Hughes. (clarendcn
Press. 5s. net.)—As a stock-pot for lecturers on topography and field-surveying. Map Work will be warmly welcomed by teachers of such subjects, both military and civil. An......
Tory Democracy. By Henry Bentinck. (methuen And Co. 3s. 6d.
net.)—Lord Henry Bentinck professes himself a disciple of Disraeli. In this enthusiastic little book he expounds the case for the New Toryism with its gospel of the Commonwealth......
Selected Speeches And Documents In British Colonial...
Edited by A. B. Keith. 2 vols. (H. Milford. 4s. net.)— These two little volumes in the "World's Classics " contain a well-chosen series of speeches and documents illustrating......
The Round Table For December Suggests That, As The Peace
Conference " at its first session cannot hope to produce a written constitution for the globe or a genuine government of mankind," it should " estatilish a permanent annual......
The Saxon Bishops Of Wells. By J. Armitage Robinson. (h.
Milford, for the British Academy. 55. net.)—This valuable though highly technical essay by the Dean of Wells deals with some of the difficult problems of English history in the......