Peraonalia. By E. S. P. Haynes. (Selwyn and Blount. 4a
6d. net.)—In this pleasant little- volume of essays may be found reminiscences of the late Edward Thomas; of Master George Pollock, who was a son of the famous Chief Baron and who died in 1915 at the age of ninety-three ; of Sir Harris Nicolas, the sailor and learned antiquary who edited Nelson's despatches; and of George Mogridge, otherwise " Old Humphrey," whose fervid prose and verse delighted many pious readers in the first half of the last century. " Old Humphrey," the author tells us, took an " exuberant delight " in family vaults. The one blemish on his career was, it seems, an adventure in France with a too convivial courier who took advan- tage of " Old Humphrey 's " ignorance of French to make him pay nineteen francs for a meal consisting mainly of brandy.