7 DECEMBER 1918, Page 14


[To Tire EDITOR OP THR " SPECTATOR."] Sta,—There seems to be a widespread desire that the names of men who have -fallen in the war shall be recorded, and the usual suggestion is that bronze tablets shall be placed on. the walls of the parish churches. Is there anything more depressing than, dark bronze tablets full of lettering 'almost illegible ? I write to suggest that the names might be recorded in large illuminated vellum books, with substantial rich covers, to be placed on carved leeterns in the pariah churches. This would give scope to record the deeds of those who won distinction; also some account of the regiments could be given where many men in a district joined up with any particular regiment. Photographs could be introduced. -I remember having seen in use in Italian and Spanish churches old missals so large that the choir could read them from some distance. These were both beautiful and permanent. The making of these books would be a very interesting occupation for many a wounded man -who could do sedentary light work.--1 am, Sir, de.,

E. T. B.