His conversion to the principle of vesting the supreme command
in a single person apparently oame during the terrible crisis of March, 1818. As a matter of fact, as is incidentally admitted in the article in the Daily Chronicle, Sir Douglas Haig himself had been urging the immediate appointment'of Marshal Foch as Generalissimo before Lord Milner reached France in order to bring about that arrangement.. We trust that, the Prime Minister will not thiuk it advisable or in any sense worth while to repeat his argument that the debate in the House of Commons on Sir. Frederick Maurice's letter was an attempt to resist unity of command and to bring about the overthrow of the Government as a result. When the Maurice debate took place Marshal Fools was already in .supreme eommand. The matter was settled. The Prime Minister seems quite to have forgotten this. The Maurice debate was concerned solely with the reduction in numbers of the British Army in the field.