The recent purchase of the Daily Chronicle in the interests
of Mr. Lloyd George is no doubt one of the instances of collaring the Press which Lord Salisbury has in mind. We were told that the Daily Chronicle under its new management was to reserve to itself
a very proper independence ; but whatever interpretation may be placed upon independence in the officenf the Daily Chronicle, there is certainly no more out-and-out supporter of -the Coalition and of their curious electoral methods than the Daily Chronicle. On Wednesday it published an article entitled " Unity of Command : a Reply to the Critics of the Prime Minister." It is no pleasure to us to return to this subject, but Mr. Lloyd George continually mentions it in his speeches and his supporters are inspired to say ditto to him. In these circumstances truth requires that the real facts should not be obscured. Mr. Lloyd George and his friends continually talk of unity of command as if it were synonymous with the appointment of a Generalissimo.