Mr. H. W. Fox is quite misinformed as to the modern conditions governing the above. The franchise (at Oxford) is open to any graduate, subject to payment on a single occasion of a registration fee of 20s.—B. A. VOTER.
I have read with surprise the resolutions of various Chambers of Trade protesting against the inclusion of gift coupons in cigarettes. I would like to ask these organizations of retailers if they have ever heard of " a penny each—seven for sixpence " ' • of the payment of fares to town for customers who spend over a certain sum of money ; of " Shopping Week prizes ; or of the free delivery and laying of carpets and linoleum—all of them inducements to buy by giving the customer what appears to be " something for nothing." Since a pre-War threepenny packet of cigarettes is still sixpence, is it surprising that smokers feel that a rebate is long overdue and buy where it is apparently given ? I do not smoke coupon eikarettes myself so I am not prejudiced. —RUPERT W. BELL, L'ancresse, Mark Cross, Sussex.
Compulsory Sunday closing of cinemas now open on Sundays may secure, on rather strictly interpreted religious
grounds, the support of many truly charitably-minded men and women. If, however, it were pointed out to these supporters of Sunday closing, that the hospitals to which they are, without doubt, regular subscribers, stand to lose very seriously if the— Sunday picture-houses have to close down, they might very well reconsider their attitude. Approximately £200,000 is distributed each year amongst hospitals and other charities from Sunday performances of various kinds. By far the greatest part of this sum is con- tributed by the cinemas. If this money is stopped, who will make it up in such difficult times as we are now encountering ? —F. P. CARROLL, Secretary Superintendent, The Golden Square Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital, near Piccadilly Circus, London, W. 1.
The above conference will be held in Geneva from June 22nd to 25th, inclusive. Eminent authorities on Africa will open and contribute to the discussions. Further information can be obtained from the Secretary, British Committee of the Conference on African Children, 26 Gordon Street, London, W.C.