7 FEBRUARY 1931, page 38

Turner And Newall.

Despite the reduction in the dividend, the Report recently issued of Turner and Newall was generally regarded by the Market as satisfactory in the light of the general trade de-......

Disturbing Influences.

Elsewhere most of the influences operating have been against holders of stocks. English railways continue under the influence of poor traffics and the wages dispute, while......

Gas Light And Coke.

The comparatively mild weather in the South of England would seem to have affected the earnings of the Gas Light and Coke Company, the Report showing a slight falling off in......

* * * * Royal Mails.

AN unpleasant feature among Industrial shares during the week has been the fresh weakness of Royal Mail Steam Packet Ordinary Stock, the quotation on Tuesday last being only £2......

South Metropolitan Gas.

The directors of the South Metropolitan Gas Company may be congratulated upon the economies effected during the past year. In consequence of smaller sales and less profit from......

Financial Notes

HESITATING MARKETS. IT says much for the resisting power of the Stock Markets to unfavourable influences that prices , should, on the whole, keep fairly steady, at all events so......