The Vote In The Senate Was Carried In The Main
by the Democratic Senators, who are making State responsibility an integral part of Democratic policy. They say that rather than be defeated on this point they will take the......
American War Pensions Another Financial Dispute In The...
is concerned with a vastly larger sum than the £5,000,000 proposed for unemployment relief. There is a strong possibility that provision will be made for the ex-Service men in......
Mr. Oliver Stanley Said, However, That He Was Convinced That
if there was to be any change a majority of the House would prefer Proportional Representation to the Alternative Vote: The Alternative Vote would give a much less accurate......
The Controversy On Monday Seemed To Swing In Favour Of
the Senate when Mr. Borah made one of those rare speeches which have an effect far outside Congress. According to the report in the Times, he said :- " They talk of how......
The Prime Minister Declared Stoutly, In Spite Of Unionist...
that the Bill would enable the majority of voters to express themselves more plainly. The Unionists naturally wished to preserve a system which had sm.\ e them well, and had......
The Electoral Reform Bill The Government Are Enjoying...
weather after the recent storm. Their ship has clawed off the land where it was embayed, and at the moment it is not in danger. The arrangement with the Liberals, though we do......
The Next Day—tuesday—the Scale Was Tilted The Other Way By
President Hoover, who answered the threat of the Democratic Senators to force a special session. Mr. Hoover pointed out that few people had had more experience than himself in......
`the Government And Unemployment Insurance At A Labour...
in the House of Commons on Tuesday the Prime Minister made a statement about the policy of the Government which was regarded as rather vague. In particular he was asked to say......