7 JULY 1917, Page 10

The advent of M. Venizelos to power at Athens has

rapidly transformed the situation. He has purged the Administration, removing the dubious pro-German officials. He has recalled to Athens the Generals and senior officers of the Greek Army in the Peloponne.sus, and has received their submission to the now order of things. General Papoulas, who is said to have organized the treacherous attack on the French last December, alone absented himself on the ground of illness. M. Venizelos, having thus regained full control of Old Greece, has celebrated the reunion of the Hellenes by recalling the Greek Ministers from the enemy capitals, so that for practical purposes Greece as a whole has come in beside the. Allies, though she has not formally declared war. It is a welcome change, which relieves the Allies from political embarrassment and frees General Sarrairs hands.