7 JULY 1917, page 20

Children's Country Holidays Fund.

[To THE BMWS or ran SPECTATOR:1 Bin.—An appeal has been mode to the Executive Committee of the Children's Country Holidays Fund to send away as many children as possible from......


TIIE MAP. No, 'tis no use, I can not sleep, my feet are cold as lead, And Corporal Stubbs he breathes and snores enough to wake the dead. In truth it's difficult to doze—his......

" Liberty."

[To ens Emma or me "Sereteroa."1 San,—In your review of this book you ask me a question which, in courtesy, I am bound to answer. You ask me why, if I was not thinking of the......


RUSSIA AS I KNOW IT.* MR. DE WINDT draws upon his memories of Russia as he saw it a few years ago to describe the daily life of the Russians of all classes. We heard it remarked......

Army Now In France. I Do Not Refer To The

Women's Auxiliary Army alone, but to all women who are doing war service in France. Their name is legion—nurses, V.A.D.'s, telephone operators, clerks of every description,......

An Appeal To The Nationalists.

ITo sus Enrroa or ma "Srtcraroa.".1 Sre,—I cannot regret my addressing you on June 23rd on the position of the Irish Unionists outside Ulster, for my letter elicited, of your......

" From A V.a.d. Hospital."

Miss MAHT-ADA IR MACDONALD'S three poems ("In the Ward," "Epiphany Vision," and "In Last Year's Camp") have been reprinted from the pages of the Spectator in pamphlet form under......

Notice—when "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed With...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communi- cated," the Editor mturt not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode......