7 JULY 1917, page 11

America's Independence Day Was Officially Celebrated In...

For the first time in history, the Stars and Strips* waved with the Union Jack on the Victoria Tower and over every Government building, in witness that the two branches of the......

In The Commons On Tuesday, When The Finance Bill Was

in Committee, protests were made by several members against the clause differentiating against shipowners in the Excess Profits Duty. In reply Mr. Boner Law recounted his own......

President Wilson Has Defined His Attitude On Prohibition...

letter to one of its advocates. Holding the immediate passage of the Food Bill to be of vital consequence, and apprehending a heated and protracted debate if the provisions......

As We Go To Press We Learn That In The

House of Commons on Thursday Mr. Boner Law announced an increase of a third in the output of beer for the present quarter. A considerable proportion of this beer will be of......

Another Point Which Must Be Mentioned In Connexion With The

drink question is the letter from Lord Stamfordham to Mr. Will Thorne which appeared in the papers of Thursday. Lord Stamford- ham says that the shortage of beer during the......

In The House Of Commons On Wednesday Proportional Repre-...

as provided for in the Reform Bill, was rejected by 201 votes to 189. We greatly regret this result. The weight of argument, in our opinion, was in favour of the moderate......

The Report Of The Sub-committee Of The Reconstruction...

on the relations between employers and employed was published last week. Tho Report is based on the conviction that the reconstruction of industry involves the largest possible......

Dr. Addison Gave A Remarkable Account On Thursday Week Of

the work of the Ministry of Munitions. Viewed merely from the statistical point of view, his review of our productive achievements was most impressive. Thus the capacity for the......

Summing Up, Dr. Addison Dealt With The Lessons Of The

war and the opportunities which the work of the Ministry had opened up. Experience pointed to • the closer co-operation of Capital and Labour on the basis that both parties......

Wa Cannot Join In This Approval. If The Tobacco Manu-

facturers are to blame, as it is openly asserted by newspapers applauding the decision of the Government, the public have the remedy in their hands. If not, as the Chancellor of......

We Have Received Too Late For Insertion In Our...

columns this week a letter from Commander Josiah Wedgwood, M.P., who, though opposed to the special penalization of the chipping interest, tenders his sincere thanks to Mr.......

In The Committee Stage Of The Finance Bill On Monday

Mr. Boner Law announced concessions on the Entertainments and Tobacco Duties. The 4d. ticket is only to be taxed ld. instead of 2d. and the 2d. tax is to begin with 5d. tickets.......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Change-i From 51 Per Cent.

April 5th.......