7 JULY 1917, Page 11

Wa cannot join in this approval. If the tobacco manu-

facturers are to blame, as it is openly asserted by newspapers applauding the decision of the Government, the public have the remedy in their hands. If not, as the Chancellor of the Exchequer implies, the Government are adopting a thoroughly unsound and

uneconomic course by reducing a war tax on non-essenti We may add that every reduction in existing texas on luxuries renders it more imperative in this time of supremo need that we should impose fresh taxes. As we have already urged, the duties OR sugar, tea, petrol and matches, the tax on doge, the cost of licences for motor oars and motor-bicycles, and the tax on male domestic servants should all be increased, and the Income Tax should be applied to all incomes. Every person should pay a direct sum, however small, for the protection he or she enjoys.