7 JULY 1917, Page 10

The Anglo-German War Prisoners' Conference at the Hague has ended

in substantial agreement on the points discussed. At the final meeting, held at the Dutch Foreign Office on Tuesday, Protocols containing the conclusions were signed by the delegates and countersigned by the Dutch Foreign Minister, M. London, and by Baron van Vredenburgh, who presided over the discussions. The Dutch Government have declared their readiness to house in Holland war and civilian prisoners up to the number of sixteen thousand in the proportions agreed upon by the member* of the Conference. M. Loudon in his concluding speech con- gratulated the delegates on the fruitful results of the Conference,, which had been conducted is the most accommodating spirit. The goodwill involved in the offer of the Dutch Government, and their official support of the agreement, will be greatly appreciated. If the German Government act upon it an immense advantage will be gained for our prisoners. In any case, no harm will have been done, and the results of theConference are is complete answer to those hasty critics who took exception to it.