READABLE NOVELS.—.4 London Posy. By Sophie Cole. (Mills and Boon.
60.)—A very charming account of Dr. Johnson's house in London is the thread on which the slight incidents of one of Mrs. Cole's usual idylls of London life are strung. The whole book is very pleasing.—The Greater Crime. By George Allan England. (Cassell and Co. 6s.)—The story of a murder. Tho first half, in which the reader's sympathies are decidedly on the side of the criminal, is extraordinarily cleverly written. The Si-Fan Mys- teries. By Sax Rohmer. (Methuen and Co. 5s.)—The most difficult person to kill in the world is the chief villain in a series of sensational novels. The reader of Mr. Sax Rohmer's former novels will there- fore hardly he surprised to meet Dr. Fu-Manchu again. The incidents of this series of adventures are exciting.