7 JULY 1917, Page 2



Tsome. OF THE DAY.

ACCORDING 50 Their Lights .. 241

Adoption, the Epidemic of .. 79 Air-rover, the Need of 1101441 Development In Our 205 — — the German and British Development of 284 Ale Wilda, German, on British Towne .. 28.348 Allotments, Harvest on Our 320 America, Ireland, and Ourselaxs......138 American Ambassador's Dissection of the German -- °dicers, Mr. Lansing's Addrene to 204 Angle-Amy Ran Dm% of Peace, the....272 — — Co.operat ion in the Future I" Tire Essential Apple of Discord, the . 556 Army and Navy, Combined A Don by the 132-180 Asquith, lie., his Speech nt on the German Peace Anna Ausltiteliungary, the Future .. 482 7 A N of the Civilised World, Under the .. 230 1 liccr, the Inereaned Manufacture of, and Fool Economy 29 Mahan—Fes or No 318 Rini and Animal Life on the Western Front .. 563 Dirrelliam, the New 404-437-480 Black 141M., tire Little .. 137 Sleeken, Near, by Night 80 Boasting, the New 240 Bob, the lire Brigade Dog 440 Bones Law, Mr., his Statement in regard to a Compulsory Levy on Capital 287-591 Bonds, National War .. 351 Itowen.Coltinint. Captain, an Appeal for .. 373

Bey, French, die Story of a . 112 Bmilsford, lie. 11. N.,1118 Article in the Saba .. 04,1

Bridegrooms, War, in Defence of .. 321 British Troupe In Italy..640

Women's Hospital Appeal' 440

Business Soldier, .. 9 1116 and B15.. 21/8

" CAIZIZAGE„': the Art of, In staikra 317

Canada at They Ridge :: ..7 Canteen, Fnmch, Scenes in a 504 Capital, a Levy on .. ..277 — tire Conscription of .. 59i-671 Carson, Sir Edward, on the Need of Steadiness In • the Government.

Casualties and Strategy 590 Censoring -tiers, en 32 Child, the, and the War .. 288 Church, Lem Liberty for the :". 150-159 Clanearty, Lon], his State Paper Addressed lo Lord Caellereagh Combined Action by the Navy and Anny 102.180 Common lumpy:Ries 740 lbmralesry itattema.. 558

Comrades of the Great War.... . 642 Concentration, the Essential Need of the-Govern-

Confldenee, Qfiletness and ........008 Conacientious Objector, the....203 Conecription of 'Wealth, the Toro .. 287-591-671 Convention, the Irish, and the Northcliffe Press 480 Courage, Khaki . „ 708 Crimean 'equine., the . • 54 (aisle, the Ministerial, duo to Flightiness and Reckiesanreo of Language 000 Carrell Inflation and High Prices 407

.1AUGHTF:R Question, the .. 8

../ Decimal Coinage, a, for the Empire.. .. 374 I1(10.1:031.1C Pressure on Germany

cation, ties12f, rgIIuh Eydemie of Adoption, the ..

Eremite of Today, or ........408 EtiphrateeTictoly, Gm Excuses, Good, the Day of , Expenditure, Policy and .. 31 — National, the Reports of the Select Committee on .. 483-738-703 Extravagance, Departmental .. 769

-Lt AIRY LAND, Exiles from.. 130

" Falsehood and Prevarication" .. 297 Farm Worker, a Woman, in Lakeland .. 673 Fear, the Dupes of .. 204 Fiction, the Public School In 518

Fight, tire Good..........750 Financial Responsibility, the, of the Government 31

Finland, Gulf of, Germany and the 406 Fishing Industry, Our Neglect of the 739 Flanders, the Progress in 3111 Food Economy and the Manufactine of Beer .. 29 — Bome.Grownhe Increase of .. .. 78 D — Control, the of 109 — — tied Economy 260 — Question, the, and Compulsory Rations .. 558 — Man-Power and 702 French Boy, the Story of a (" Simonet ") .. lig — i;a,utCkre, ,;,entes Ina........508 Fruit-Picking In Scotland as a Holiday Pastime .. 378

el ARDEN, a London Square 32 631- Gasparrl, Cardinal, his ConuitunIcation to

the Morning Past . .. . . . . 670 Germany, the Political Crisis In .. 30-53 — and her Economic Difficulties after the War .. 157 — Economic Pressure on .. 405 — and the Cult of Finland 406 German People, the Rescue of the „ .. 4 - 116Huera Seidler, the Story .of a.. 9 — Chancellor, the, and the Iteinhalag .. 30-53 — Intrigue in Russia 110 — Mind, Mr. Gerarffs Dissection of tire — Man-Power, Our Wearing Down of the .. 286 — and Austdan Plots : Mr, Lansing's Diselosures 317 — Peace Aims, Mr. Asquith on the .. 318 Gerard, Mr., Ids Diplomatic Discloeures .. 181 Gokbale, the into Mr., his Proposals for Indian

Refoeo .. 158

Good F.xcuses, the Day of 207 Government, the Ese.tial Need of the : Cowen.

,ro,bn 52

Grand Misunderstanding, the :. 512-557

HARMLESS Necessary English, the .. 741

Harvest on Our Allotments .. .. 320 harvest of the Sea, the .. 739 Heraldric, a Displaie of New.. ... 484 Hereford Controversy, the Meaning of the .. 737 Hermit Parson of To-day, a 409 Highlands, a Holiday In the, In August, 1917 .. 578 High Prime, Currency Inflation and 407 Hobson, Mrs. (" An American Lady "I 185 Honeys, the Bestowal of .. 135 Hospital Studies :—A Note Ort .. 57 — — The Story of a Wounded Indian Soldier 82 — — 516 and 1315.. e. .. 208

IDEAS the " Liaison " of.. Ines Common Income Tax, the, and the Wage.Earyx

ladle, the Mesopotamian Report ao,3 .. — Decentralization — What Is it ?

Indian Soldier, the Story of a Wounds! Dal ustry, WAr And .. 740 .. 202 ..

.. 319 .. Industrial L'arast, the Pori/leen of 75477 — Government, Plans for 515 Inflation, -Currency, and High ffeices 407 — — tire Danger of .. 560 Interest., Lost . .. 403 Ireland, the Situation In 404 — the Government and 437 — America, and Ourselves 420 Irish Convention, the ("Tire New Birrellism ) 404-437-480 — Problem: the Grand Misunderstanding 512-557 Rely, the Reverse in.. 481 — British Troops in 640 — the Thal of, In her Retreat tenor the Julian

JERUSALEM, the Fall of .. 706 Jews, Palestine for tire .. 561 Justice, the Organ of " The South Indian People's

Association" 310

KAISER, the, his Telegram to President W ilson. 133 Haber, the, under the Ban of the Civilized 'World 236 — the, Iris Correspondence with the Tsar in 1904-5 237 Kerensky, M., and General Korullotl, the Rupture

Khaki on Bring 441 King the, and e Kaiser -133 off, General, dm Failure .t his Mita.,

-I ABM/ R, the Soundnese of, and the Stock-

holm Conference .

Labour Party, the, and Ore Nation..14.1g _ — the, and the Conscription of Wealth 871

Lady Principal, the Portrait of a .. .. 55 Lamb, the Little Black 137 Lansdowne, Lord, his Letter to Om Daily Telegraph 068 Lansing, Inn, hie Address to American Officers .. 264 — — his Revelations .. 317

ffeV,T; ether, 01 'eliequirls Court Ali/4.000

Nation Lettere, On CeumrIng 32 Levy on Capital, a .. 287 " Liaison " of Ideas, the 288 Life and Liberty Movement, the .. 156-159-737 tights, According to Their 241 Lloyd George,ML,Iiis Speech atGlasgow,Iu.e 29th 4 — — his Pads Speech 558 — — hia Defence in the Commons of his Porte

— — bleSC ec:!-h at Oray'e Inn 736

— — and his Stewardship 781 — — on Man-Power and Fond ......761 L,00800 Square Garden, a 32

Lost Intel-eats 408 AcPHAIL, Dr. Andrew.. his Lecture before Ill the London Medico-Cluringical Society .. 7 31011.4, Sir B., his Address to the Royal Otatlelinci

Sinn-Power, Relative 707

1 FoodMedical Service at tiro Front, lir. Andrew Moo-

Phall on Our ..

Mercantile Shipbuilding, the Resignation of the Adtlatiry COMMILIke 011 626 Mesopotamian Report, the, and Ind Is .. — — the, and the Government ..

Michaelis CMarn Afunditm 77

-Ministers and tlyir Salado .. 373

31luistry, a National . 704 Misunderstanding, the Grand 512.557 Honey Training, the New III — Public, the Outpoudng of .. 721 Morning Pug, the, and the Tatic..n 670

34tIvr. the Bictrailind and Apuom, 117 ns_ .NTATIONAL Sbng ,„ lag

XI National Patty, thts 218 National War Bonds 851 — Expenditure, the Reprirts df the Select Cora- Mitlee on — 483-738-763 Sitinfardr, the PrOPmed • • 036-705

— Ministry, .7114 Navy and Agony, Combined Action' by the 192-180

• •

New Year Read • • Ready... .. 760 Priv York Herald, .the Kaiser 1)IschNikent of the, Night Wok In Ho-Mates-Laud 60

Nurses, a Tribute to the 441

OLD Poste ..

TlIAGE, Dr., on Future Anglo-Amerlean Co- 1 operable.. 514 Palestine for the Jews . „. 561 Parson, Hermit, the Story of a .. .. 409 l'wee Negotiatiom with the German People only 4 — l'aikeirs, • Plain Question for ......600 — the Vatican Proposals for 158 — Germany's Fear of 157 — 'farms and Edda of Puniehment 183 — and the Dupes of Fear ........204 — the Augloverloan Basta of .. 372 — the Teem of, and the Coming Allied Conference 430 l'olicv and Expenditure resndation, War and 633 Posterity, Doer it Pay for the War ? .. 134

Prevarication and Falsehood......207

Lady, the Portrait of a 55 Privilege of Education, the 184

Profiteers .7 .. 353

Public Money, the Outpouring of 736

- . School In-Fletion, the .. 516

Ponishutent, the Etldm of ........153 (IJIETNESS and Conildenee .. 038 Sir Stanley MaudeS Victory at .. 350 It Rations, Compulsory 558 Reichstag, _the, and the Clunteellor.. .. 38-53 R )dew ew Year .. 760 Rhondda, Lord, hie Speech in the Lords, Htly 27th 103

- — hie Scheme to Regalato Prices 261 Roosevelt, Mr., and the Venezuelan Affair of 1612 872 11e1s10, the ANaltenIng of, and her New Offensive,

— ErefiTsfrrttunee of (the Retreat n Galidin) 7: — Gorman Intrigue .. 110 — 11,0 taisis in .. 200 — the Failure of General 1o10u0P0 Iffilitary Revolt In . 285

— the Sukhondinolt 319 QAILOR and Padre, a Shipwrecked .7 &Merles, Ministers and their .. stNeol, the Public, In Fiction

Sea, the Harvest of the .. _ Sea Studies 4—According to their LIghte.. — - "The Snotty" — — Profiteers " ?

— — A Naval Outing — — A Naval Funny-Party Tab Ward-IIOOm kecont Chamber, the Problem of the Selboroe, Lord, on the Sole of lionsture tiMpping Induatry, Onr, and the State .. Ships, the °Oat Need of .. Shipyanis, the Proposed National .. Shop-Windows

SmSIisggiere on the Irish.Coatt (" PrOlkehl." 7) .. 855

Sociallon, Some Falkoles of .. 206 Soldier, a Buelnest Sang, National _ . 100 Stmdiness, Sir Edward Carson on the Need of, In the flotemment500 hip of Stewards; the, .9tr. Lloyd George....761 Strategy, Caenaltica and .. 502 Slikkolinoff Trial, the .. 340

Some,, Soft TOye..........785 TA1427g:e2MITZ:tlifermilfter-

Toys, Swam Soft 709 Talons, the War and the 480

UNITliFdltAhestetnooNf Fig v.tedGWor:d.rit.LI 294 C. The Essential League .. 414-669 Unmet, the Creation of

— Industrial, the Report on

— — the Problem of 377 VIVTLAL yeacetP.MpastLITA,110e Now, Homan Vatican, l'resisoluenTWIleotOs Answdito the' .. 204.12% — the and the War..........670 Vimy Ridso Canada at .. 7 WAG,,teEdgerAlnrtiond the IneoMe Tax

War Debt : Dora PonteritY Pay It 134 Wat, the Child and the .. 288 War Bridegrooms, hi Defence Of IRO

War Ronde;oome. National........051

War, the, and the Treasury 483

War and POnlatioll • • • • • " 581

Ward.Room, the .. • .. 764 Vino 'Over, Ilbe (the Ne/ed olAirereft) 284 Weilth, the Tree Como:Option of .. 247-591-571 Wmting Dome the Enemy........240 Weaving Studios, an Appail for the. . 137 Whitley Iteport, the, and triaestal Councils _ .. 515 Wild Lae welt the Shells — . 502

Wilson, President, his Answer to the. Vatican

Pram Propesals 296-238

Z=V1t;rig.14.1=16: ;I?

yrims, the Third Rattle of 108

.. 241-

.. 574 .. 516 .. 739 .. 241 .. 358 .. 517 .. 594 .. 706

.. 590 .. 638 .. 135 .. 280

430 638-703 .. 754 POETRY.

Alinten's Dream, an (" Miles ") .. 165 All Souls P.1 499

(14.( L.) .• 245

Babe Christ (Pauline W. Rome) .. 744 Bank to London a Peon of Leave (Sergeant Botha and &nuts (Ernest Myers) ....40 Died of Wounds" (El. W. P. Dotter) .. 36

Et In Arcadia Ego " (E. L.) _ _ 189

Fairy Hunt, a (Francis Ledwldge) 296 Fourth Christmas, the (Moray Dalton) .. 700 Gifts of the Dead (11abberton Lulham .. 269 Hawthorn-Tree, the (Siegfried Bassoon) 448 Ileart-Cry, the (F. W. Bourdillun).. 678 lieu 311301431de Poor (K.) 524 In Francs (Franck Ledwldge) 246 In Armory of A. O. IL (1. A. Fort)....078 Map, the (J. 0.) .. 12

Ifessage, t (H

the I' Ignotus") 87 Ifforitur te SalutanP.

Mother,i Command ! (abberto Latent) .. 117 Prayer (B. L. Breton Martin)......127

Rose-Lavin (.hiss IL 11. Johnsen) .„ .. 647 Survival (R. W. M.) ........000 To Afnerica, on her First Sone Fallen In the Great War (Mrs. E. M. Walker) .. 508 To Italy (Moray Milton) 403 Two Magician., the (Cella Congreve) 714 Why I Believe (C. Field) .. 417 Wings (L. L.) ..........510 Wirelem (John English)........105 BOOKS—Author..

A CF1ARVA, 91 Anenda—Brahmadarnanam .. 357

Adams, John—The Student's Guide .. 472 Apte, Capt. Janra 2.—Lines of Communication 190 Altschul, 0.—The American Revolution In Our School Text-Books 772 Angell, Norman—The Dangers of Ralf-Prepared. 0,4 Archer, H illtam—God and Mr. Wells ....02 Armstrong-Jones, Sir Robert—The Psychology' of Fear, &c. 7. 419 Among.% John—French Windows

DACON, IL, &a—Latin America and the £5 United Mates. . 328 Barker, J. Ellis—The Great Problems of 'British

Statesmanship .. _ .. 468 — W. 11,, arranged by•Weet African Folk-Tale& 247 Beechlug, H. 0.—The Chancier of Shakespeare.. 544 Beer, George Louie—The English-speaking Peoples 472 BOWS, Edonard—Bohemla'a Case for Independ- ence Bleeekley, Horace—Life of John Wilkes .. . 167 Bowser, Thekla—The Story of British

Work in the Great War .. .. 745 Boyd, F. L.—Tasks and Visions......119 Brassey, Sunbeam; 746 BroShe, J. H. Balfour—Recollections, Literary and Political..........80 Bulleld, A. and H. St. George Gray—The Casten.

blify Lake Village _ _ 426 Buffer, Dr, N. Murray—A World in Ferment .. 328

CAMERON, I. C. 14.—The Wild Foods of Great Briin . — . . 147 Camelot, T. R.—taThe Renascence el Jesse .. 168 Chesterton, G. K.—A Short History of England 491 Clutton-Brock, A., intro. by—Letters of a Soldier, 1014-1615 .. 117 oebbett, 1...6,—m; Causes of Tobe3tu1oob ..118 Colvin, Sir Sidney—JOhn Keats his Life and

Poetry — 601

Cook, A. 3F.—Aboat Winchester College 496

— H. Caldliell—The Play Way ......470 Creighton, Mrs. Lotdse—Life and Miters of

Thomas Hodgkin., .. 679 Crewe, Minium of—War and English Poetry — 571 Croft, Brigadier-Gen. II. P.—Twenty-two Mouth. under Fire.. 770 Crosse, E. C.—T1N God of Batiste .. 388 DLTONA , Professor T. F.—Homee and hid Mckinnon, •LoweSLThe L'holce Before Us .. 189

Dbbson, Austin—A Bookman's Midget 468 Doyle, Sir Arthur Cohan—The British Campaign

In France and Flanders, 1915 84 Dwell, H. B.—Amoementa in Mathemattea 710 Dwell, 0010001 A. J. V.—Perilamentary Oro's_ 210 EGESTOIC, H. E.—BrItiah Foreign Policy in Europe te End of the Nineteenth Century 270 Einstein, Laois—Inside Constantinople....837 Elliot-SOUL 0.—Shell Shock and its Lemmas .. 218 Evereley, Lord—The Turkish Empire _ 710 FARRER, Reginald—On the Eaves of the Fell, E. F. B.—Pereonal liberty......015 Femest, Hell, Coming Democracy .. 217 Fielding-Hall, H.—The Way of Peace....17

Figgls, J. N.—The W21 to Freedom ....070 — ed by—Selections from the Correepoud- eride of the First Lord Acton .. 417 Fortescue, 1100. J. W.—A 111Story of the British

el ARNETT, Edward—TUrgenev 526 kfr Garnett, Lucy M. J.—Balkans Hama Ufa .. 480 Getty, ChSe. T.—Georgo Wyndham: Itemgalta 449

Gleiehen, or-Gen Lewd Edward—The Doing* of the nth Infantry Brigade 770 Glover, T. 11„—From Pericles to PhIllp 546 — — The Jam of History 143

graham, John W.—William Penn.. . 91

— Stephen—Print of the JONI 624 Grant, Mosilson—The Passing of the Great Race 885 Gray, A. Herbert—As Tomuly Rees 772 Grey, Right Hon. Viscount, preface by—America

Grubb, Edward—What Ia Quakerism 200 Gwynn, 0.—The Life of Sir Mallet) W. Mike .. 827 HAC011144H, A. P.—Armenla and the War _ 471 Hall, A. D.—The Book of the Roth...ski Experiment........648 Hammond, J. L. and Barbara—The Town La-

bourer, 1760-1832 00 Hannay, David—Dias 190 Harben, Henry 4,-4 Dictionary of London .. 544 Haman All, Mrs. Meer—Observations on Liu Mussultuaune of India .. 144 Rearnshaw, F. J. 0.—Main Currents of European History, 1815-1915 545 Helps, E. A.—The Correapondenee of Sir Arthur Helps .. 715 11111. Alm—Food .. 167

Hogoth, 0, J., trans. by—The *Moles 'of Leo

Tolstoy 471 Hollings, M. A., ed. by—The Life of Sir Colin C.

Seott-Iloncrieff _ 027 Ilohnm, Robert—Waiter Greenway Spy 1111d


Humphreys, Frank louden—The 'Life and Them of David Humphrey. . 62 Ithrgronjo, Dr. C. Snook—The Revolt In Arabia 247 Motto, Archdeacon W. IL, revised, ste., by—

The History of India 625

I AMES, Hearv—Tho Ifiddle Vents 548 M Johnston, -Mr Harty 11,—The Black Man's

Part in the War .. . .. 467 Jones, A. Bassett, and L. J. Llewellyn—Malinger- ing, or the simulation of Nome — John Price—The German Spy In America .. 290 ▪ ETT1,10, Professor T. IL—The Wayn of War 207 11 King, Georgina Goddard—George Edmund

Street . 428 Rum, George F.—Ringo for the Ringer LAYrt's'NLE•coRric's;;OutUcca'o? by—tel et l0 m Acton . 117 Liss„, S. m.—The System of Financial Admin.

Ltretion of Great 219 Little, A. G.—Studies in English Franclocan ills-

L 0011, e. A.—La 051aa et are Hapports at re Etre:Igor . . . 218 Loast, 811 (1 P.—The 'Beginnings of English Own sem Enterprise

144' ACAN, It„ W.—Rellglous Changes in (Wont FIX during the Last Fifty Years_ .. 494 MacDonald, J. Ramsay—National Defence .. 189 Markham, Admiral Mr Albert IL—The Lire of She Clements R. Markham 771 Moth% Edward S.—The Diary of a Nation .. 601 Ilmegeld, John—Goad Friday .. 771 — — Tho Old Front Eke 7741 Mastennan, Canon .1. IL /3., 844-14 Century of British Foreign Polley . 27)1 Maoon, Thomas 11.—An Imperial Obligation .. 471

Migeod, F. W. H.—Endlest Nan 381 Med, Henn—Demokratie and Krieg In Frankreich 010 Motley, Vlecount--Recolleetions 508400 Muir, Prof. Remeay—The Expansion of Enron, 37 Murdoch, W. 0. Burn—Modem Whaling old Bear ✓ ETTLEINGHAM, F. T., collected, An, by-

11 Tommy's Toes 603 Newbolt, Sir ]bury—A New Study of English OSBORN, 11. P.—Eden of the Stone Age 385 'DEAR, T. H.—Shell Shook and Its Lessem 218 • Pears, Sit Edwin—Abdul Mold . 716 • Td-Publle School Education and the Wee 13 Pitt, Berord—Eseaye, Poems, and Letters 200 Pollan', A. W.—Shakespeare's Eight with the Plratee, Ste. 329 Powell, C. L.—English Domentle Relatloo, 1487- _ .. 547

b. C• . Matlock—The Practical Book of 11-) AEMAEKEILS, Louie, drawings by—The .41.• Great War In 1918 525 Ramsay, J. (I.—One Hundred Pointe in Food F.henomyRathensu, Walther—Von Kommenden Olgen Room:de, Lord—Further Memories....440 Redmond, Malor—Treneh Pictures from From.. 770 Rebertenn J. IL—Shakespeare and Chapman .. 89 Roosevelt: Theodoe—The Foca of Our ()NI Hotteehold............000 Ross, Martle—Irish Memories ......741 IMMO, Rt. Hon. G. W. E.—Politics and Person. Q AINTSBURY, George—A History of the ti French Novel_ 546 Serino, Professor Emmy 'Kumar—The. Foil/-

Element in Hindu Culture 39 Seheffley, W. FL—Brieux and Contemporary French Society .. .• 423 Seton-Watenn, R. W.—The Rine of Nationality In the Slchel, Edith—Nets and Old _

Sinclair, Slop—A Defence of Idealism 368 Smart, Professer WIlliam—Beonondo A.1116 of

the Nineteenth Century, Vol. 11. 624 /bah. Vincent 4.—Akhar, the Great Noma, 1542-1005 . — 90 Somerville, R. OF—Iiinh Memories.. 745 Sorrell, IL G. P.—Modern Man and his Fore- Mph... Winifred—Madame Adam ....142

Steven „otigg Ango_Life of St. l'ranch. Xavier.. Ma

Stirling, A. M. W.—The Hothame 347 113AGORE, Sir Rablndranath—lly

WAkerFiN17.."Itl;f:ryx7-17.:,:d!ttg Goal 358 Warwick and Brooke, Larl of-Memories Sixty 547 Watt, Fraocis-Cauterbury Pilgrims and their548

Weekes, A. It., ed. by-Johnson .4 Pope.. 118

Wahl, 11, G.-The Soul of a Bishop 451 West, Michael-Education, Selective, Specific, Compensatory420

White, Benjamin-Silver 271 Whitton; 1.00-Col. F. 11.-A History of Poland 358

-'Tie 31arne Catninign 143 Watkin-Wlgoam a Lop to Social

Willoughby, prof. W. W.-The Synem of Administration of Goat Britain 219 Windt, Harry de-Russia as I Know It .. 12

younc, George- Portugal, Old and Young .. 330 0.-the Weltkrleg and die


A 11111:1; IIAMID-Sir Edwin Pears 716 .471 Acton, the First Lord, Selections from the Correspondence of-Ed., &e., by J. N. Figgis and It. V. lAttrence 417

Adam, Madame-WiniRed Stephens .. 142

African (West) Folk-Talc-Arranged. by W. II. Barker, de. . • 247 Abhor, the ()Mat Mogul, 1542-1605-VIncent A.

America (Latin) and the titilted States-131.

It. Bacon nod J. Ii, Scott . 328 Allnericall Revolution, the, In Our School Text- Rooks-C. Boolo -C. Alt.1191 - Arabia, the Revolt in-Dr. C. &muck Rurgronje 247 Arthitecture, the Poetical Book of-0. C. 31atlock

ALEANS, the Rise of Nationality in Me- l/ R. W. Rel.-Wanton 509 Balkan Home Life-Lucy M. 3. Garnett .. 409

Bengal Education, Selective, Specific, COM-

pcasstery-Mleha,1 West . 420 Bishop, the Sou/ of a -II. O. Well. 451 Bohemia's Ca. Inc I ndepentlenco--Edouard Bence 448 Bookman 's Budget, n-Au.tht Dobson 409 lirahmadanunam-Sri Anunda Acharya . 357 Brien. and Contemporary French Society-W. it.

Brills, Army, a 1neory of the-Hon. J. W. Forte.. .. 91 - Statesmanship, the Great Problems of-J. 111111 OAF-S.811,7 Appeal unto-Mrs. Henry Hobhouse 263 Cmterbory Pilgrim and their Ways- Francis Watt . 548 China: Ou the Eaves of the World-Reginald Poorer Church, a Challenge to the-Bev. William fem. 220 Cinema, tire: Its Present P000)00 and Future Pauibilitie,-Williams .t Norgate (pub.) .. 545

Constantinople. 'twee-Lenin 527 AUGHTERS, the Upbringing of--Mrs. C. D. ✓ Democracy, the Coming-Itereann Fenian .. 217

Dietz-David Ilansiny 190 tionary of London, A-Hrury A. Barb. .. 544 Mike, Sir (had. W., the Life of-S. (loyal and

Gertrude 31. Tuthwell .. 327 Domestic Whitton.; Engliet, 1407•1653-C. 1..

"VATS'S of the World. On the-Reginahl F 717

..1.14 Economic Annals of the Nineteenth Century, Vol. 11.-Prot. William Smart 024 Ednention, Selective, 5.0100, Compenaatory-

Michael Wont 420 Enennd. a Short Ilistory of-G. X. Chesterton 493 English Overseas Ent.oprIse, tie Beginnieg. of- Sir C. 1'. Lucas38 English.Speaking Peoples, the-George Louis

Europe, "the Ifsp.ansl. of-Prof. Rano. Muir 37 Ettropeon ilistory, Main Currents of, 1815.1915- F. J. C. Heaths.. 545 EUROPEAN IVA II, THE GREAT Mee under

War Beat).

FEl.i.,11,;,roth.cooTasehology of-Sir Robert 112 Financial Administration of Great Ilthen, the System of-Prof. W. F. Willoughby, Sc. 210 Porn of Our Own Household, Ilic-Theodore080

Food-ex. _ - , Al 167 Food Ecouoiny One Hundred Point". 10-.1. Grant 167 Fordo, the Wild, of great Britain-I. C R.

Cameron 107 Foreign aljg• (.213201.11), a Century of-0. I'. 27 - - in Europe to the 'lie of the 3:1".teenth Cee K nry-II. Egerton Franciscan History (English), Studies in-A. 0.106 Trench Novel, a History of the-George Sentthury 543 GER11.1.2:)17 AND THE WAR (see under War elantontatry lake Village, the-A, IMIleid and

II. St. George Grey .. 420

Clad and Mr. Wells--Williarn Archer .. 92 flood Friday : a Play In Vcmc-John 3faselleld 771 Brenta, Parl)amentary. the Principles nod Practice of the Sydeni of Control over-Colonel A.J. V.

219 Ora. Race, the Posing of the-Madison Grant a85

Oreraway, Walter Spy and Hero-Robert • HEI.P6, Sir Arthur, the Corropondence of- hinds Culture, the Fek•ElnItent Ri"-Pre". Be.; .15 Kumar Harlow 50 Hindu Philosophy, au Introduction to the Stniy

of-Sri Anando AO.). .. 357 History, European, Main Currents of, 1015-1915- F. J. C. Hearnshaw 645

England, 8 8hort-G, K. Chesterton .. 493

ZnaTV. Hodgkin, Thomas, 1.1k and Letters of-Louise Creighton - . 679 Horace and his Age-Proloser T. F. D'Aiton .. 647

Hothants, the-A. 11, W. Stirling .. .. 387 Humphreys, David, the Life And Times of-

Frank Landon Humphreys 02

IDEALISM, a Defence of-May Sinclair .. 388 Illingworth, J. R., the Life of-Murray (poll.) 479 India: Education, Selective, Specific, Cornplm- satory-311thael West 420 - the 111.tory St-notate Captain L. J. Trotter , . 025 Irish Memento-E. ill Somerville and Marlin TEST'S of Minton'. the-T. R. Glover .. 148 Jesus the Rename.. of-J. R. Cameron .. 108 Johnson: Life of Pope-Fe. by A. IL Wethes .. 118 I,"EATS, John: his Life and Poetry-Sir I1 Sidney ColvMMl

Khaki Courage-Coubignby Dawson 708

T ABOVRER, the Town, 17604832-A L. 1.4 and Barbara Hammond 00

Liberty, Personal-E. F. B. Fell _ 628 Literary Pilgrim in England, a-Edward Thonms 648 Loeb Classical Library-Heinemann (poh.) • • 269

London, a Dictionary of-Henry A. Hasten .. 548

"IUTATINGERING, or the Simulation of

11'1 Disease-A. Bassett Jones, &c. 07 Man, Earliest-F. W. H. 3ligeod . 385

- Modern, and his Forerunners-11. O. F.

Seinen 385 Manuscript Writing-Longman., (pub.) 540 Markham, Ste Clements R., the Life of-Admiral Sir Albert II. Markham . .. 771

Mathematics, Amusements in-11."E. Dudeney 718 Mcmorio, Further-Lord Rolesdale 449 - Of Sixty Years-Earl of Warwick and Brooke.. 547

Middle Years, the-Henry James 548 MILITA RV BOOKS (see under War Beaks). 31oney, Our, and the State--Hartley Withers .. 134 31orle7, Lord, his Recoilections-X1acmill. (moo Muer, Beau dealing ui/X


- Everyman and his 31.015-1'. A. Scholes .. 570 - Harmony, a Short History of-Charles Macpherson . 570 - 111.10 and Mlle.-Rev. W. W. Loneord . 570 - Musical Aesthetics, the Foundations of-J. IleEweit - 070 - Philosophy of Modernism, the (In its Connec-

tion with Music)--Cyril Scott .. 570 - Shakespeare: Iris Music and Song-A.

Moue. Rime .. 570 thismilmauns of India, OkervatIons on the-

Mrs. Meer Ilmsan All .. 144

• ATION, the Diary of a-Edward 0. Martin .. 648 ▪ NationalIsm--Sir Rabindranath Tomre 306 NAVAL BOOKS (we under IVar Books).

Now and Old-Edith WM_ . 650

Norwleh, the Story of-Edith Henderson.. .. 144

Novel, French, a History of the-George Saints-

Searle, Markle, Toler,

- Anne lAlworth-Mrs. Alfred Sidguiek .. 248

- Solving, art--E. F. Remelt 603 - Baguio, the -Walter Wallas .. 528 - Beyond -John Gainworthy .. 272 - Children of Passage-Frederick Watson .. 747 - 1/welling - Place of Liest, the-Winston Churritill 497 - Fortunes of Richard Ifahony, the-11. H. R rdson 221 - Gambler, the-Fyolor thotaevety 319 - Germans In Cork, the-Talbot Prem, Dublin - Goa. Shop, the-S. E. Duel:roe .. 221 - Head of the Family, the-Mrs. Henry theeney 421

- Ills Last Boor-Sir Arthur COMM .. 718 - Hon.. 3hrylebone. the-31o. W. K. Clifford 300

- Ivory Tower, the-Henry James .. 2011 - King Coal-Upton Sinclair 081 - Long Trick, the-. Bartimeus " _ 571

- Loom of Youtb, the-Alec Waugh .. .. 119 - lost Naval Paper., the-Bennet Copplestone 421

- Meld with Wing., the-E. B. Oaborn 09 - Mannaduke-Flom Annie Steel 15 - Married Life-May Edenton 372

- "Miming "-Mrs. Rumen). Ward 528 - Mr. Ruby Jump. the Trams-Shan Bulloek .. 30 - No /Inn's land-" Sapper " 169

- On Changerait plutet le Coeur de Place- Benjamin Vallotton _ _ 192 - Patient and the War-Benjamin Vallotton .. 03 - Red Planet, the-W. J. Locke 380

- Sense of the Pont,the--Henry James 209

- Sonrof a Bishop, tho-11. G. Wells . 451 - Spy in Black,Storer Clondon 773 - Summer-Edith Wharton - 389

- UnconqueredIdand Diver .. _ 461

- Uneasy Money-P, G. Wodehouse .. 051

Rcellxuc Novms-15-30-63-93-120-144•167-

192•221•248•300-331-360-389•421-452•497. 528-571•003.051.682-718-747-773.

OBLIGATION, an Imperial-Thomas M. Mawson Orford, Religious (11anges in, during the Last4.1 Filly Learn-R. N. Macao .. 494 1-1EACE, the Way 01-11. Fielding-Hall , 37 ▪ Penn, William-John W. Graham 01

Perking to Philip, from-T. R. Glover .. 546 Play Way, the-11. Caldwell Cook .. .. 470

Poetry, a Bent Study of-Sir Henry Neu bolt . 078 Poland, a History of-Lieut.-Col. F. EASTAtton 358 Politics and Person.lities-Itt. Hon. G. W. 11,003 ltunrSPortugal, Old and Young-George 'I•oung .. 830 Priot of the Ideal-Stephen Graham .. 623 Public School Education and the War-T. Pellet 13 UAKERISM, What Is it 1-Edward Grubb .. 200 Q RAC(E.C. real, the. Peens of the-Madimn Recollections, Literary nod PLI"illcalLJ. M5 Balfour Browse 88

- of a Happy 1Jfe--11th. E. C. Hobson .. 105

Recollections of Sive-My-two Tear-Hon. W. W. 620 - Of Viscount Money-Moen/Man (pub.).. 668-600 Redesdale, Lord, his Further 31emorles-Hutchin- son (pub.) .. • • Clio Lass


Religious Changea Oxbard dunng no Lass Fifty Years-R. 1V. Macau ..• 404 Reminiscence., My-Sir RabIndranath Tagore .. 191 Rings for the Finger-George F. Ku. .. 469 Root, EMIR Addresses by-Ed. 'by R. Bacan, Ac. 328 Rothameted Exper)ments, the Book of the-

Rumia as I Know it-Harry do Whet .. 12

ST.AFRAIC48.22EAVIER, the 1.00 of-Edith 220 Seet-Monerleff, Sir Colin C., the life of-FA. by M. A. Hollings .. 627 Scottish :Myths and 1.egends, Wonder Tales from

-D. A. Mackenzie _ 130 Shakespeare and Chapraan-J. M. Robertson ,. 89 - the Character of-H. C. Bee .. 544 Shakespeare's Elgin with the Pleates and the Problems of the Transmission of his Text-

& W. Pollard .. - 219 Siehel, Edith her Essays, Se.- Intro. by A. C. Bradley .650

Sliver-BenjarnIn White . .. 271 Slays, Southern, the Future of the-A." H. E. Stone Age, Men of the--H. Osborn :393

Street, George Edmund-Georgina Goddard Ring 008

Student's Guide, the-Aohn Adams 472 ' Sunbeam,' Bra.sey.. 740

TASKSMASKS and Vlsiena-Ed. by F. L. Boyd .. 110 Our School, the American Revolution in-C. Altschul.. 772 Tolstoy, Leo, the Diaries of-Trans. by C. J.

Hogarth, . _ 471

Tuber...is, the Causes of-Louts .. 118 To v: a Study-Edward Garnett 625 Turkish Empire, the-Lord Evereicy 716 WAR and English Poetry-M.0mo. of Crcwe 571 Whaling and Bear•Hunting, Modern- W. 0. Burn 3Iurdoch 520 Wigwam: a Key to Socinl Reform-Watkin452

Wilke., John, Ilfe of-Horace Bleaekley 107

Winchester College, About-A. K. Cook .. 401

Windows, French-John Aynough

World, on the Eaves of the-Reginald Farrer .. 717

Writing, Manuscript-Longman. (pub.) .. 540 Wyndham. George: Recognita- Charles T. 0000y 449


Abdul Ham Pears.. id-Sir Edwin Pea 716 Airman's Outings, an-By •• Contact " 41)5 America The Diary or a Nation-Edward S. - and Freedom-Preare by 'Viscount Grey .. 418 - The Foe. of Our Oon Household-Theodore 680

Armenia and the War-A. I'. Ilaco"bian 470 Army, British, a History of the-Ron. Z. W.

Balkan., the Rise of Nationality In Seton-Watson 569 Battles. the God of-E. C. Crosse 388

Black Man% Part In the War, (ho-Sir Harry II. Bohemia'sCase for Independenee-Edonard Benes 440 Botha and Smut. in Africa, with-Commander W.

MUM Campaign In France and Flanders, 1915-

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 88 - Foreign Policy, a Century of-G. P. Gooch, Ac. 270 - in Europe to the End of the Nineteenth Century-H, }1, Egerton 270

Cavalry, a Plea for an Efficient-Shaw d Sons

(3e.b Before Cr, the-0. Lowe. Dickinson .. 180 Communientlon, Linea of-,Captain J. E. Agate .. 190 Constantinople, Inside-,Lewis thantein 527 Defence, Notional-J. Ramsay MacDonald .. 187 Democracy, the Coming-Hermann Feruatt .. 219 Educelon,"Pablic"School, and the War-T. Pellet 13 Ensign. the Adventures of au-By "Vedette" " .. 770 Europe, the Eipalli1011 of-Prof. Ramsay 11. 37 Pear, the pxychology of, and the Effects of Panic Fear In Woo Time-Sir Robert Armstrong.439 Fittouth Intnntry Brigade, the Doings of the- Lord Edward Cleichen _ 770

France and Flanders', the Britl.h Campeign lo, 1015-Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 88 French Windows-John Ay.eaugh 01

Freedom, tbe Will to-S. /I, Figgie 270

Gallipoli, the Tenth (Irish) Division In-Major B. Gamble, the Immortal-Commander A. T.

Stewart and Rev. C. J. E. Peshall . 770 Goal, Towards the-lire. Humphry Wa"rd .. 358 Godl, of Battle., the--E. C. Crone - 988 Gommethurt, Report on the Defence of, on July lot, 1916-Journal of the Ended Sc.. Jodie:de (pub.) 207

Half•Preparednoss, the Danger. of-Norman Angel 189

Italy; Greater-Willlam Kay Wallace .. 245 Lot, Beeleged in, and Ater-Major C. H. Barber 771 Latin Am ca eri and the Coiled States-Ed, by R. 328

Letters of a Soldier, 101:1•1915-:Intro. by thutton-Brock 117 L. of C. (Line. of Communleation)Captnin J. E.

Mime Campaign, the-Major F. E. Whitton .. 143 Mesopotamia, a Message from-Sir Arthur 'My 75-- Linnet 770 Nation, the Diary of a--Edward K Martin .. 648

National Defence—J. Ramsay MacDonald . 189 Neutral's Indictment, te-Drawings by Louis Rae- Obligation, an Imperial—Thomas H. Mawason .. 471 Old Front Line, the—John Maselleid 770 Peace, the Way of—H. Fle-ding-Hall .. S7

Pitt, Bernard, Essays, Poems, and Lettere of—

Francis Edwards (pub.) _ 209 Poetry, English, War mid—Marque. of Crewe .. 671 Poland, a libtory of—Lieut.-Cob F. E. Whitton .. 35S l'repartalnese, Half, the Dangers of—Norman Russia as I Know It—Harry de Windt .. 12

Salonica, In, with Our Army—Harold Lake.. 771 Shell Shock and its Lessons—G. Elliot-Smith and

Slave Southern, the Future of M E.

Spy, the German, In America—John Price ion... 208 Statesmanship, 13ritish, the Grout Problems of — J. Ellis Barker...........400 Burly Bay, the Pals at--Henry Hanna .. 770 Tanga, Marching on—Captaln F. Brett Young .. 770

Tommy As Ife Sees Us—A. Herbert Gray .. 772 Tommy's Tunes--Collected, to., by F.-T. Nettle- iugham 603 Trench Pictures from Franee—Major Redmond 770 Terkish Empire, the—Lord Eversley....710 Twenty-two Months under Fire—Brigadier-

General H. P. Croft .. 770 Utopia, the Latest German—Walther Rattle.... 246 Tame Fort, the Last 1)ays of—Henry Bordeaux.. 770 Work (British) in the Great War, the Story of—Thekla 745

War. Foreign Books on rho:-

- Demokratie and Krieg in Frankreleh—Hans — Suisse et sea Rapport% sure PEtranger, la-- 218

— Suisse pendant la Guerre, la—Max Turmann.. 218 — Von KommendenDingen—Walther D10thenso 246 — Weltkrieg and die Schweicer, der—S. Zur(inden 218 — Westrussland In Seiner Bedeutung fur 410 Entwicklung Mitteleuropas—Teubner, Lelp- rig (pub.) _ 714 War, the Great, In 1910—Drawings by 10010 Raemaekers .. 525 War, the Ways of—Prof. T. M. Kettle 297

Wilson, President, Statements of, on the War— Preface by Viscount Grey • • Murray418

World in Ferment, a—De. Grey ra Butler .. 328


ADOLESCENCE—Stephen Paget 883 Africa, By the Waters of—Norma Lorimer .. 04 Agriculture, Facing the Future of—W. W. Philip— 200

— State Help for—C. W. Tomkinson 331 Agricultural Situation, the Sedans—W. W. Philip 222 Alr Rout., the World's, and their IttlulatIon- Lord Montagu of Beaulieu. S. 389

Allotments, the Cultivation of—P. 'Sliced and S.

America, Central—W.11. Kocher . 083

— Ole 1)Iscovery of, 1492-1584—Ed. by P. F.

America-Latins 272 Arabic, Egyptian Colloquial—W. H. T. Gairdner 94 Arlington, Henry Bennet, Earl of—Violet Barbour 150 Armageddon, the Dawn of—Crawford Peke .. 389 Athenaeum Subject Index to Periodicals, 1916, the 94 Australia and New Zealand, a National History of —Robert, P. Thomson , . 222 the Commonwealth of—Evans Lewin .. 390

BABY, How to Rear a—Mrs. Frank Stephens .. 146

Baghdad, a Boswell of—E. V. Lucas .. 390

Balfour, Viviani, and Juffre--F. W. Haim), — 474

Balkan Diplometist, the Memoins of a—Count Chedomille Mijatovieh 04 Hells and Bell Lore—T. Harrison Myrea.. . 40 Bengal, Early Revenue History of, and the Fifth Report, 1812—F: D. Ascot! 63 Benson, Maggie, Life and Letters of—A. C. Benson 051 Bijapur and Da Architectural Remalne—Henry

Couscns , 748 BI fed are the Dead ; an Anthology—A• B.

Manning Foster .. .. 272 Blighty. 160

Rolingbroke's 'Letters on The Spirit of Patriotism and on The Idea of a Patriot King—Intro, by

Books and Peteano—Arnold Sennett .. 301 — Early Illustrated—A. W. Pollard ....200

Brazil Commercially Conektered—Syren and Ship-

ping (pub.).. _ .. 474 Bristol Royal Infirmary, a History of—G. Munro

Britaint Cli Smih . 5 and the evrIllon 63500

— venue Germany an Open Letter to Prof, E.

Meyer—J. tr. Robertson ' .. 222 Business, New Ideals in—Ida M. Tarbell 04

CAESAR'S,the Things that are—Rev. Alfred Fawkes 528 Canada's Wonderful Northland, in—W. T. Curran

and H. A. Calkins 830 Canal Problem, Report by the City of London on

the. • .. „ _ 774 Casement, Sir.Roger, Trial of—Ed. by G. H. Knott 421 Cat Book, the Animal? Friend—Jessey Wade .. 604 1Sthedrals, Our Homeland—S. Heath and P. Row 601 Chertsey Abbey, Illustrations of Medieval Ro- man. In Tiles from—R. 8. Loomis. 102 Cheshire Song Book, the—Lint. Sidebotham, Ac. 683

Christine—Alice Clealmondeley .. 380 Church Quarterly Review, the .. .. 452 Church, One Pariah—IL P. C. Berton .. 84-04 Church., the City•—Margaret E. Tabor....18 Cinema Plays—Bus.. Hale llall _ 473 Classical Aesociation, Proceedings of the—J. Mur-

ray (pub.) .. 452 t— Studies, the Year's Work in—Ed, by Stephen

Clergy. the Training of the—Dr. Radidall, &e. .. 121 Community—R. 31. MacIver. ., 331 Constantinople, the Future of—Leonard S.Woo/f .3 10

Convocation, On—W. Stubbs „ 10 Cornwall Forty ISarsAfter—I. Stephen Flynn .. 11 C4bvecteur, St. Jean de•--1-0110 Post Mitchell .. 40 Crime, the, Vol. 1,—By author of J'Accust I .. 550 Cripplegate, Finsbury, and 3loorlIelds—E. K. W.

Cuba, the Early History of—I. A. Wright.._ 145

11 ARA Continent, through the—J. Dn Plessis.. 129 Dictionary, Oxford EnglIsh—Clarendon Press (pub.) .. 331 Dish s,, Dainty, for Comp and Home•-11. Pleciani 94 Dispenser, How to Become a—Emil) L.11. ',meter 40 Dulwich History and Romano—Edwin T. Hall .. 272 TARS, How to Lengthen Our—Viscount Hai- East India Ce.mpany, Fifth Report of the Com-

mittee on the—Cambray (pub.) 170 Education To-day and Tomorrow—P. E. Matheson 222 Empire Day—Manitoba Department of Education

Europe, Modern, Keonomie Development of—

Everybody's Husband—Gilbert Cannan 720 Everyman's Library New Volumes—Dent (pub.) 720 Exchange, the Mechanism of—John A. Todd .. 40

FARMING Costa, the Determination of—C. R.

12Onein ..7ffl Finch and Baines—Archibald Malloch .. 170 Flower, Name Thls—Gaston Bonnier .. .. 103 Flying Book, the, 1917—E& by W. L. Wade .. 272 Foreign OLfice, the, and the Foreign Services France—CMI;Cophe Syrop .. 94 — To-day—Laurence Jerrold.. .. 389

— Twentieth-Century--M. liethant-Edwa.rde .. 389

French, Works in:-

- L'Emautellepire BrDtaunique et la Guerre—Paul

.. 550 H — Les Ilelges en Exit.—ArtMlnd 572 — Lea Doctrines MCdievates ch. Donne—Mary Paton Ramsay.. _ 301 — Les Rubalyat d'Omar Khayyam—Trans. by

M. Grolleau.. • _ ..273 — Petit HIstoire Politics. de l'Angleterro depuis

1914—Grasset (pub.). 550 — Queetion de l'Alcool, la--Yves Guyot .. 331

— Sold Beige, la, Peint par lap-memo—Y, Datignott .. 474 Freedom after Ejection—Ed. by Alexander Gordon 331 Freemasonry: The Grand Lodge of England— A. F. Calvert..........145 Front Line, the—C. E. Montage .. 145 Future, the Making of the—r. deddes—and V.

EXERAL Pat: a Comedy—J. E.11. Terry .. 273 L1 Germany, My Four Yearn In—James W.

Germany's Annexationiet Aims—S. Grumbach .. 474 German Problems and Pentonalitice—Charles GIFT-BOOKS 473 ; 549; 628-29-30 ; 882-83 ; 719-747 Girls, Working, Health of—Beatrice Webb .. 630 God, the Idea of, in the Light of Recent Philosophy —A. Seth Pringle-Pattison 40 Gemmecourt, German 01110101 Report of the

Defeoce of in the Journal of the R.U.S.I. .. 222

Grenfell, Julian—Viola Ileynell 40

HAGGAI, Zechariah, and Malachi—With notes, &e., by W. E. Barnes.. 272 Happy, though Wounded—Ed. by Ward Muir and

Noel Irving .. • .. 93 Hawaii, Seven Weeks In—M. 1.0010 Crawford .. 651 Ileahl, Ivan Hero and Humoriet—With preface by Sidney Dark. . .. 272

Health and the State--W. A. Brend. 004 liedin, Sven, Nobleman—K. G. Osslarmilmon .. 301 Herb Growing and Colleeting, Profltable—Ada B.

History—Macmillan ipub.) ..04.528

Iiomeworker, the, and the Outlook—V. do Ves- eelitsk _ .. 1

Hospitely Ships, the War on—Fisher Cumin (pub.) 12120

Home-Fly, the, as a Danger to Health—E. E.

Housewives, Handbookfar—lady Chance .. 497 Housing, Report of the Surveyor.' Imittution on 452

IArchaeological Survey of Annual 1 Report, 1913-14—Ed. by Sir J. Marshall .. 310 ImIlan History, Readings from, Port 11.-800101

/nduetrial Outlook, the—Ed. by H. Sanderson — Unrest—Sir William Chance ......710 Inatinet in Man—James Dreyer 661 Ireland, Dawn In—Merle Harrison.. 390 — In the Realm and Older in Ireland—Richard.

eon Evans .. . .. • .. .. 192 Melt Convention, Thoughts. and Facts for the

Consideration of the—Adam MOM .. 222 Italian Navy, Pamphlets on the .. 572

Italian, Work in ;—

— L'Inghilterra net RlsOrgimento 1talian0—A.

JJAPAN at the Cross Roads—A. M. Polley . 774 Jewish Action and Jewish Ideals—Sir Philip Magnus .. .. 249 KARAKORAIM Eastern, Two Summers In the Ice Wilds of—F. B. and W. II. Workman.. 719 Kennedy, Edmund John, Same Records of the life of—By his Wife and a Friend 651 Kew Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information, the.. 10 Knatechke Professor—Collected and Illustrated LAPLAND, through, with Skis and Reindeer—

F. H. Butler _ 474 Lest Lap, the—A. Melre (pub.) 300

Library, a for Five Poosundt—Claudles Clear .. 572 IJItrn Tnifile, the, as a National Problem—Will RnawnLittle that is G.00d, Gte—Harold Beghie .. 421

Lloyd George the lien and Ids Mom—Frank London Mid-dly Syms 651 — Topographical Record, Vol. 11.....651 Luther, Vol, Vt.—Hartmann Uri= 18

T,TADNES0, the Method In the—Elwyn Bevan 222 MAGAZINES, the .. 15-120-248.319-497-633 Magdalen Hospital. the—H. F. B. Compston .. 64 Mall, the Royal, to Delo:ad—Edward Watson .. 116 MAPS, dc. 64-273-312-422-493-572-720-774 Margaret of Scotland and the Deo' bin Louis—

lank A. Barba , . .. 64 Maakby, 0(0 William, X.C.I.E., Monroe'nr of- 111 his Wife ' _ . 40 Mauusell, History of the Family of, Vol. 1,- E. P. Statham _ .• 421 Memories, Discreet and Indiscreet—A Woman

of 1.7,o inmemlancee _ the 40 MekrdiwyemBle,:eeth Land of th Rivers-- 452

Mexico of the Mexicans —L0Wis Spates .... 143 Milton, John Topical Bibliography—E, N. S. Thompson _ _ 301 Muse, the Tenth—Edward Thomas 550

NAVNiter;theOefli, cer, Spun Yarns of a—A. R. . 94 Nekon's Last Diary—With by —Gilbett,.381 New Eaet, the .. 1.45-169-300.4.97-604 NEW EDITIONS 17 New Europe, the, Vol. 1V.—Constable (pub.) -45'2'

New Zealand—G. 11. Scholetield . M41

"No Bishop, No Chord. "—J. 1i. Cohn .. 145 Nursing, Public licelth—Mary Sewall Gardner .. 16 OLYMPUS, the Ascent of—Bendel Honk .. 40 Orderly, Observations of an—Ward Muir.. 2'2.... Out of Their 01. Mouths—Appleton (pub.) .. 720 PALESTINE Exploration Fund, Quarterly 1 Statement of the .. IC Paris, London Two Towns, One Clly—J. F.

Macdonald .. 94 Parliament or Imperial Goveniment P—Harold Pascal, the Holiness Of-11. F. Stewart 21(11 Patriatimn and Plenty—Hon. Mrs Lionel Guest.. 170 Peace, a Lasting—J. J. Rousseau 169 Provo after Woe, Economic Problems of—W. R.

Scott •

. . 193

• Pearee-,eeePia (Pub:)

L.,. the C0 44

.11.4.. ol- 4

Phylikal Education In Relation to School LUe- Physiology, Handbook of—W. D. Halliburton .. 84 Plays of Clods and Men—Lord Duusany 202

Poetry, Book, of :—

— Five Degrees South—Francis Brett Young .. 40 — In Memoriam A. H.—Maurice Baring.. .. 40 — Odes and other Poerns—R. C. K. Elmer .. 030 .

Polish Review, the—Alien A Cowin (pub.) 160-004 Portraits—Charles Whlbley , . 700 Potatoes and their Use In War Time . .. 497

Poultry, Sly-, Day by Day—A. Gibson 051 Public School, a, booke at the World—Renton School (pub.). 04 Puddings, Flourless—A Country Redeem Wife .. 04 QUARTERLIES, the .. 13.432 lIA114,1,11T-etlelr:Mett on Money-MakIng Lines Recalled to Llfe—Lord Cliarnwood. .... 474

Regiments ata Glens. E. E. Modrcg .. 40 Itepubile, the Flight for the—Bassiter Johnson .. Mg) Ritson, Joseph—H. A. Hurd e51 Road, the, and the Inn-1. J. Mosey 474 Round Table, the. 240.483

'Loyal Society Club, Annals. of the—Sir Archibald 0ikicRondo, a Year Irv—Maurice 'Baring .. • .. 160 — the Co-operative Movement In--I, V. Bubnoli 04 Messina Poets and Poems, Vol. 1.—Time. N. Jarktcov_ 331

Rylands (John) Library, the Bulletin of the— • Longmane (pub.) .. 301 QT. ALBAN, History of the Abbey of—L. 1'. 1.7 Ruehtarook Williams _ .. 421 Science and Industry .• the Place of Cambridge In Any Scheme for the Combination—Sir R. T. Glatebrook 1e1 _ Scottish Ilistarleal Review, the _ 420 Sea Power and Freedom—Gerard Elena. .. 773 Shelley. 'Lettere about—Ed. by R. 8. Garnett.. 145 Shell Shock and Its Lessons—G. Elliot-Smith and . 40

Shells as blvid.enee of the .1Jignalona Of Early Culture—J. Wilfrid Jaekeou.. 301 Shipping Industry, the Britlelt—Edgar Crammond 40

Short RatIons—Xladeleinc Doty .. 300 Soldier, 1/Isablml, the Future of the—C. W. Hutt 004 Stature of Population, War and the—H. H.

O'Farrell 774

Medea Captives—Alfred T. Davies .. 773 Sumerian Liturgical Texts—Ed. by Stephen

TENEDOS Times, the—Allen & Unwin (pub.) 222 Then and Now—C. H. Firth .. 773 Tommies Two—Blanche WM. Chandler .. 145 Town Planning Review, the WARVISL04eNeer Sert:ke .Sertnonx, non. 145 WAR, in the Wake of the —Harold Hodge .. 121 , and Ptaec, Guild Principles in-8. 0.

War, Ideas of—P. Geddes nod G. Slater .. C3 War Relies, Catalogue of the Iran Exhibition of, at South Lodge, Horsham—F. M. Graves .. 64 War, Some Neglected Aspects of the—Spenser Woo Speeches, 1914-17—Col1ected by 11 W.

War, the, and the Nation—W. C. 1). Whethem 301) War, the Doesmentary History of the, Vols. 1.-111,—Times (pub.) .. 550 Ward, Mn,. Humphry—Stephen Ow... ....120

Warn the ComnaltDiaryes M. Beck 3111 Warr, Great, a Secof the—Samuel Papp,

Watchers, the—Emily Huntley 474 Way Forward, the--011bett Murray _ 773 'Weather Calendar, the—Mrs. Ilestry Head .. 1914

131 eat, Flour, and Bread, Three (Maurice of Primo of-J. Kirkland .. 572 - Problem, the-81r William Crooke. .. 773 Wilhelm the Ituthlews-Illes. by David Wilson .. 773 Williams's (Dr.) Charity and Library, a Short Account of -B. T. Burford, 300 With One Faces in the light--Frederick Palmer.. 249 Woman's Effort-A. E. Metcalfe 61 Diemen Patrola and Pollee, Bristol Training School for : Animal Report 720-743 Women's National Land Service I:orps, Report, - Polka Service, the Second Report of the .. 529 Work in War Time -11. Si. Osborne .. 272 Wood Fles, My, and their Story-W. Robinson.. 390 Woolner, Tionnas, R.A.-Anty Woolner 13 XIMENES, Cardinal -J. P. R. Lycli .. 529

y [.TEAR-BOOBS, At:, 91-139-529-004

ZIONISM and the Nco-Zionists-Laurie Magnus 301 CORkESPONDENCE.

0000, Lord, on German lintbarcen, 294.

Adoption, the Epidemic of, 114140.164.

Africen (Routh) Labour Battalion, B. (.6'., 140-713.

Agricultural Labourer, tire: cud the Broad Ration, 614' and the Fond !tattoos. 743.

Air Raids and a Sense of Proportion, 155.

Ale Reprisals. 000.

" Aftch," the Litter, 384-417.

Akbar's Former Biographer, 214-294.

Alpine and Heebner-ono Plante for Sale, 295. Alternative Vote, the, 212.

America Southerners and the War, 9; the Spirit of, 10 ; o Word to, 267; a Voice from, 642. America's Determination, 107.

America's Part in the War, 519.

American lady," an, 215.

American Rights League, the, 510.

Anglo-Indlan Community, the, ill.

Army, the Spirit of Our, 10.

Asquith, Mr., his Leeds Speech, 980.

Austen (Rene) Centenary, 30.

Australia, Summer Time 10, 214.

Australian Protest, nu, egainst an Alleged Statement el Uencral Sir A. gooey, 355-504.

Authors Wanted, 417.447-524.567.

13'010110bLraLN 21114ere, e. European Clrilization, 130, Theisen°, Duo .de, ou Prussia and - Scrape of Pavia,"


Beekeeping and BredvIng, 138.213 ; and the Pro- titin of honey, 287-292-182.

Beer : More, hut hot More Bread, 34' or Dread-an America Woman's View, 213; More, 414-443 eam* Food, 491 ; and Barley, 743.

" Be Just and Pow Not,. 442.

•• Bengali Celts and Myths," 139-103-224. Bilingual Minds, 489.

Birds, Intelligence of, 769.

Bkrellism, the New, 32.1.

Bismarek and the Pope, 505.

Blasphemy,o Trial for, 490-521.

34014 Sermons, 290-358,

Bolo, 400-534-567.

Boone Las, 51r., a Tribute to, 35.

Basks blot are Worth While, 677.

Bowen-Colthurst, Captain, 86-2462_94.324.355-370-


Boys' Brigade, Olftcere for the, 215.

Bread : War, 213-244; Cheep, and 'War Economy, 291.

Bridge Abrostlesi, 769.

Bright, John, on Peace by Negotiation, 713-707. Bronze Stara 1914,the, 677-744, Bulgarian War Poet, a, 522.

Bunyan On the E00,1 Shortage, 787.

Burke on Business Men and Gricernment, 11,

0069000, Meson.: and War Charities, 323; the VV Critick of, 355.

Cedettl, 'the DeVelopniant of the, 644. Canada to Britain, 139.

Comedian Boat Song, the, 255-182-415.

Centeenk, Wet; on Church Premises, 657. Nolte], the CdriseelptIon of, 674-713.

Carlyle and - To 1/0 Hie Dameedesit," 644.

Cat, the 11000104 Instinct of a, 841

Ceylon Scaedals, the, 524.

Chancellta of the Exohequer, a Hint to tht, 137. Chiltfoocel,Ilmenors of, 384.

Choate, the lath Mr. leeeph, 968.

Christ In Irlondena- 077-744.

Christ, he Teething of, reapectIng War, 413-521, Christian Unity, 384-320-599; and Usefulness, 413; ids New Year Sunday, 707.

Church Less Liberty for the, 118-220-242; the Spleitual Independence Of the, 211-243; the, and the Y.M.C.A., 1143.

Church Army, the, In France, 117.

Chords Franchise, the Proposed, 440-487-520-767, CANrch Thug, the, and Unhappy Hereford ! 742. Churchmen, Modern, a Conference of. 169-211-243.

Churchill, Mr., the It taro of, 118-138, Classes, Post-War &clattere heirmen the, 10. (lamb. in Modern Education. 84.

Madam, a QuotaUerifentn, 186.

Clubs errata Alban " din. Cobden, Richard, a Political Camovflagr, 563.

Coincidence, a Curious, 415.

Weecen," 416.447-490-567-178; and" Golley- west," 524.

0)1001E1 'View of BrILlIn, a, 114-139-186-2131.293.

Columbia Unlverait)' and her Sone In France, 710. Cornice' Tale," a, 077. Commons!, House cif, QuestIone in the. 597.

ConfemiatIOn' Teat, the, for Chetah 494, Icenacientioste Digitate., the, 290-322-354445.670 ; the tleetToriset, 116; " To (L1a4r Shalt Thou Co," 354; an Early, 354.

Compmattre Kitchens+, 596.

Monistic- end "Skep," 646-678.

a, 768. the, 84.

Deaf, ItehellOur towards the, 523-589 Deafne0s, 590.644-6713.714.743-763.

Decimal Coinage, a, for tlic Empire, 414-142-519-


Democracy an Ito T11n1, 187. Departmenta, New, 163.

Disabled Soldiers, Use Tralolog of, 295 Divorce and Separation, 413.

Divorce taw, 447-491.

'1?irTik8gid, ael? Appeal from India, 57. Dcenkenness, the Decrease of, 384.

Ecosrroteheri he Allies, .rau.tonAliieFIshere:

and Religious Education, 211 ; the Omission of Training College Teachers, 212; the National Society and, 489. Emerson and the Kaiser, 163.

Empire Resources Development Committee, the, 11-58.

Empire, the True Spirit of, 180-244.

English ae she is Writ, 646.

Epitaph: a Seventeenth-Century, 416; " We were not slayne," 840-677.

Example, is Good, 521-565.

Excess Profits Tax, the, 83-115-138-163.

" FA twirl.; Faino.giya," the 3ttlx. of the, 141-328. Flight, 'the Eight Finds no!, 014.

Food Control, the Dangers sad Difficulties 01, 34.

Food Economy,' 268.

Food, Homan, Waste of, 743, Food Prices, the Reduction of, 34.

Food Queues, 767. Food Shortage: is there Really a Y 35; Soldiers' Ration and the, 064.

Foundations," 567.

French Patriotism, 675-744.

Fruits of the Earth, the Kindly, 15.51).

Fruit-Trees for France, 383.

ZtLfiroomi'sa9.Small, 443.

Germany and Italy, 604. German Mind, the 382. German Glider Prisoners, 293. Gladstone, 111r., on the realms, 205.

"Gal awl Ole. Wells," 116. Goethe on the British, 412. Oreenway, Walter, 245-267-323-521-565.

1141.1,om, lard, the Silence of, 238,

liallborton, Judge, BOO. Monkey, Donald, and Some Kaffir, 3660. Heligoland, 355-383.

Hodgkin, Dr., a Translation by, from Clendien, 244. Honey, the Cultivation of, 85-267-292-382. Honour to Whom Honour in Due,- 523-554. liceours : the Bestowal of, 113 ; the Sale of, 161. Horace and Korniloff, 244.

Households, Limitation of, 598.

Hotsrovlves, a Word to, 414.445-487-529.308.677, Houthulet Wood, 490.

Hue and Wycliffe, 524,

Ice Thin, 9Rnting on, 215-896-820.

India Decentralization in, 307; What in It! 381- 415-444-489 ; New, 587.

Industrial Unrest Caw. of, 013 ; the Problem of, 767.

Insects, Destructive, 85414.115. Ditercemmunlen, 410-487-52.1.

Irtchuf the Parallel of tee, Wait Virginia, 113 ; (lurch of, the Franchise of the, 143 ; the Situation In, 37D ; Redistribution in, 442 ; the Grand kisander- standing, 563-641.

high Queshine, the, 140-162-442.

Italy the Claims di, 406-519-710 the Spirit 01,597. Italian Campaign, 5Laps of the, 188, Italian Episode. an, 075.

Jm=ittaawl",:g1,?'.41°.", 68.

errffte, Ohtani., in Preece, 3680. - Kaiser, the, on the S'pectalar during thb Vete.- °elan Crieis of 1902, 446.

Katie College War Memorial, 188.

Kipiteg, Mr., on the Holy War, 710.

y ABMS First at the Dinner-Table, 1414-64.

- land: Palle Sehool Boys ,o0 the, 314; a

Girl on the, 714.

Lawlor and Ireland, 446-491.

Lanwitocee, lord, the Letter of, 075.

Lansing, Mr:, hie Addrese to American Officers,

203-126-383, League of Nations, a, 488.598.

Letters, On Censoring, 84. Liberty," 12. Lloyd George, BD., and the speciatgr, 996.

London &pyre Gardens, the, 69.

4-50AULAY% Speech to big Ooustitnenn at FAO-

burgh, an Extract from, 139.

Moat Pekes and Cattle Reduction, 292.

MI:modal, the National War, 214-383, Memorials, War, 35.

Meredith the Obscure, 416.

Mesopotamia, an Eclipse in, 384, Mesopotamian Report, the, 9-35.

Miner, a Brave, 646. Missionaries asi 'Combatants, 58, Co Misunderstanding, the Grand, 588-643,

Money Italtong, the lt New, 182.

:Monopoly, the Freisenvention pad, 489, Montoagle, Lord, Portrok of, 820.

Morley, Lotd, end Mr. Chamberlain, 597,

Multi., Utile Bellum," 58.

Murray. General Sir A., Australian Protest against an Alleged Statement of, 350-564 larellOrret Harmony, an Rastettlal towards, 10414.

National Party, the, SEC Nationalists, an Appeal to the, 12, Edson and Prisoners, 400-647.

Nelson's last Diary," 356: Non-Itealstance and Forgiveness, 85. 11oVgorOd, the 511106161661, a9 Etttlet Min, 194.

Tcerses, a Tether, to the, 523,

Nyrsing, the College of, 5985644.

0"Tritru'L.'7.1"Z: 31000040 *3-11'.. "0.

"Old English Squire," the, 840.

psegree7r.orae,Co4y.erted , 291 ; the Hope of a, for

Paciodets, n Parable for,128. &mom' ilmbitimoe Oorps,s., 116407-166446.

Payne, the late John, 677. Peace, Premature, 505. Penn, William, 116.

Play the Dense," 606447-678-714469. Poetry in the Ale, 356-383-446. Poland and Bohemle, 618.

Prior Pogo 1" 564.

Pope's Villa, 384. • Pcaltarity, Hose It Pay ? 162.187-215-241. Potato Cakes, 188-215-243, Potace Crop, the, 165. Potato Enda, 243-288.

;PaPotato risoPu 491. nteeramt 49rrgn2.1Z.,,,, 115. Prisoners, the Treatment of, 325; a Cantreet, 714. Privatea View, a, 140.

"Profiteering," 11-58.

Proportional Representation, 67. Prose and Verge Cadences, 744.

Prussian Way-a, Pouch on, In 1SM, 355.

Peeler., the in Modern Life, 244-4611-295; en Apology, 324. Pubfic School, the, in Fiction, 584-509-675-712-742- 768.

Public Scheols and the War, 85. Public Scheel Boys on the land, 324, "Push" or "Offensive"Y 566.

QUe6ERS and the Franchise, 643. Retra86a.Volee from the,

Religious Education, Mr. Fishert Bill and, 211. Reprisals: o Relapse to the Mosaic Lew of, 300; Air, 380. " Rescued, Reformed, Restored," 268. Rooks, Tame, 492-523-505600. Royal Army Medical Ccepe, the, 203. Ruskin on Ireland, 442.

Russia, Old, the Gencens in, 204.

Russian Revolution, the, and the Near East, lea. QT. PAUL'S, the Dean of, on Kelserisna, 732. -' Salonika Church, a, 490.

Schoolboy Laboot an Offer, 36. Serape of Paper," the Dee do Beeson° on, 410. Senecas, the, 295. Seth's., King Alexander of, the Fate of, 102. Sorbian, the Savage," 82. Sheep-Dog, the Poem of Reasoning of a, 636760. " Sheffield in a Trench," 713. Shelling, from the Lone, 355.302-415, Shell Shack, 268.

Sherwood, gars. Mary Martha, 141-326. Shipyards, the National, 710. Ships, the Great Need of, 674. Slate, Gerhian Designs upon, 215, Sinn Fein Bishop, a, 379. "81 via pacem, pare helium," 511. Mapper, a Plucky, 675.

Smith, Sydney, on the Independence of Europe, 383. "Snotty," the, 325. Socialism, Some Fallacies of, 245. Social Reform, the Root of, 209-296-291.32:5381. Soldier, the Last Letter df is, 325.

Soldier, the, What he Really Thinks, 140-164268. Boltllers. Rations and the Food Shortage, 644, 8r0therners and the War, e.

Southern Neva," the, 184-447.

Sp:dolor: the Vieus of the, On War and Democracy, 58 ; Quotatkins Boot the, 267-446 ; the [hilted Stales and the, 323 ; and the Prime MInietet, 590.

Staangth E Of ntrain Itovement, the, 597. . Studcet Captives 214.

TiCkets, 165.

=rorilittif:0T1.17,1'ht, 08tE-415. SoMmers, a Cycle of, 114-138. Summer Time In Australia, 214,

Snesum COrde I - 419. Switzerland and the War, 412. TAM and Visions," 140. Teeth, the, of the Army, 292-183. Tennyson Twenty-five Yee. After, 384-521; and Jewett, 411; Acechronlams of, 411 ; the Rhymes Of, 411-446-491-599-710 ; the Pronunciation Of, 446. Thanks, a Word of, 769.

"To Do His Damnedest," 044. Tombola, What is a ? 646. Trees in the Suburbs, 291-355-383.

It'ilted :hYe' gtundar t• Amalie."). ITstheits the Pelee 'Cana of the, 216; and the War, 711-760.

'Faeroes 01 the Grand Army, 134, 112911 and the War, BO.

WVirginia, West, the Parallel Case of, 113. Volunteer Visitors Witittod, 326. UFOs, ABM the 413-521. War, the New Way of, 490. War Aims Committee, the, 115.

War Bonds and Certificates as Mistime Presents, 744.

War 1.040, the and Clarity, 381, Washingttsn's Dislike Of Slavery, 355.

wells, Mr. B. G. a Correeprdidence with, 219. Welsh Fuefffers, the, at Albnera, 447. Wesleyan Conference, the, 38.

"When the -Strong Man Armed," 565, Wilkes, 3olin, and Card Gatfree, 188. Williams'. (Dr.) library, 490. Wisdom and " Bffsiticers,"

Wtthens, Mr. Hartley, on Does Posterity•Pay 244. Warne° Honor Property Manageka, Association of, 295.

Women Teachers, Salaries 0,195. Women's X.110001 Heavies, 4h4.523. Wooden Walls and Pit Props, 1.5335. Woking Man, a, and tho Royal Standard (" A Goed Example "), 921,45. Working Mena Thanks, e.„ 36. Wounded, Dangerously, \ letting the, 115. W00Md Gratultiee, 130, yObru mid Doolls, W.

APPEALS:-The Women's Army in France, II:- Ch/adren'e Country liellilays Fund, 12-116.-A Little Wdrk 411 Italy, '55.-The National RonmneadIng Albion, mi.-British Prisoners of Woe duel their Needs,

8h-17e Victoria League'. Lectores, 86.-Church Army Huta, 86.-Nurses and the War, 87.-The Fresh Ale Food, 137.-NeoresRoue Ladled' Holiday and General Pend, 110.-The U.S.A. and Belgian Charities, 116,-King George's Fund for Sailors, 141.380.- Ole Guides, 164.-Student Captives, 214.-The Philanthropic Society's Farm School, RedidII, 265.- Periscopes and Telescopes for Gunners, 294.-Blinded

Soldiers' Children, 294 ea -Swters and other Comforts, 325.-National Home Reading Ireton, 356.-The American Expeditionary For. Library, 447,-Central Aesociation of Volunteer Regiments, 448dy Burglielere'. Prisoners' Fund, 492.-White Codas In Mulberry Walk, 402.-Tho Travellers' Aid Society, 504-The Serbian Relief Fund, 599.-The British Army and Navy Club In Paris, 645.-Village Settle- ments for Disabled Officers rod Men, 645.-A Club for Young War Workers, 744,-Rd Cross Sale at Christie's, 1918, 789,



Admiralty, Changes at the, 130. Ale Ministry the Proposed Creation of an, 402; Lord Rothennere Appointe.d to the, 095.

Air Raids: the Chief Moral of, 20; the Need of Shelters during, 258; the Proposed Reprisals for, 314-345-360; the True Solution of the Problem of, 314; (ace deo under "The Wester.: Theatre "). Air Problem, Lord Montagu of Beaulieu on the, 257. Air Services, the Recover:slim of the, 402. Lo Ameudonrica's Indepeudente Day Celebrations in 2.

American Sliest., the the Arrival of, to London, 555 ; Confers with the War Cabinet, 584 American Troops, March of, through London, 155. AO; Thomas, the Death of, after Hunger-Striking, 347-370.

Asquith, Mr.: on Germany and Aisace-Lorraine, 403; at Birmingham, on the Mlle.' War Mms, 702. Bmig. for Oversee Service, the War OM. Proposal for, 402.

Bums, Mr. 0. N.: Appointed a Member of the War Cabinet 155; on Government Measures to .41lay Industrial Unrest, 203.

Belgium, Inquiry Into Our Commercial Relations with, after the War, 131.

Boner Law, SIr.: on Our Gratitude to America for Fit/am:MI Aesistanee. 259' at the Albert Eel, 435; and the Repudiation of the he Debt, 667. Boundary Commission, the Redistribution Scheme of the, 400.

Bowen-Colthaet, Captain, the Case of, 687-735. Broke Star of 1914, the, 834.

Burke co the "Proud Keep of Windsor," 50, Rusin.. Ian, the, and the Politician's Delusions, 283, Cadet Corps, the Central Areociation of Volunteer Regiments and Recruiting of, 511, Carnegie Endowment for Internationnl Peace, the, and the Prosecution of the War, 750. Canon, Sir E.: on tho Blischievoue Talk about Peace, 259; at Portsmouth, 435. Caeualties, the Proportione of, among British and Oversau Troope, 369. Cern, Lord Robert, on the Economic Policy of the Alliee, 234.

Chamberlain, Mr. 'Neville, Resigns ae Director- General of National Service, 155. Chequers Court, Slr Arthur Lee's Gift of, to the Nation, 347.

Cast... the Collection of by Schoolchildren, 179. Churchill, MEI Appointed Minister of Munition., 49; his Speech to the Elector. of Dundee, 75; on a More Intensive Naval Policy, 129; and the New Air Ministry, 436.

Comrades of the Great War, the Society of, 587. Coventry, the Strike of Munition Workers at, 607. Castray, Lord, Resigns from the Air Board, 587. Cromwell's Letter to Colonel M'alton Sold at Sotheby's, 703.

Daily Mail, the, on Our Shipping Loss., 129. Derby, Lord, his New P.ecruiling Scheme, 73.

De Valera, Mr. : and Dunk! O'Connell, 347; and Ids Meetings, 555.

Dictionary of National Biography, the, Presented to Oxford 51.

Dominion or State Governors, Professor 'Keith on the Difficult Position of, 283.

Drink Question, the: Lord Stamfordham's Letter to Mr. 90111 Thorne, 3.

Economic Boycott of Germany, Liberal Newspapers And are 315.

Employers And Employed, Report of the Re..- .trate:II Committee ors the Relation's between, 3. ' Farmers: the Agitation of the, against the Govern- ment CatUe Prices, 346; lord Rho: dds's Concession to, 371; Sir. Lloyd George's Appeal to, 768.

First Seven Divielens. the Choral Commemoration of the, at the Albert Hall, 735.

Food Prices, the Fixing of, 2_35; the Government r'rofat Situation, Varied Government Statements on the, 115. Foodsffs, Every Ship to Carry, 759, Fretunch, Lord On General on Kinek's Fatal Blunder, 259; and the End Worcesters after the Battle of Ypres, 478.

(add., Sir Auckland : Outlines hie National Service Policy, 283; on the Quution of Man-Power, 346 ; on the Need foe Men for the Shipyards:, An., 371. Geddes, Sir Erie: on the Need for More Ships,

51 ; Sp.. to his Comateueuts et Cambridge, 107. Generalissimo, the Military Correspondent of the l'intes on the Proposal for a, 739.

Gerard, Mr., his BemilliSeariceS in the Daily Telegraph, 155,

(Michele, the late Mr., his Memorandum on Indian AdmInistreive Reform, 155. Government Omen.,. the Treasury Committee's Proposed Changes for Filling Vacancies in, 131. Government the Want of Steadiers:a In the, 51; and the Proposed Stockholm Conference, 129.153. Haig, Sir Douglas, Mr. Lloyd George's Message of Congratulation to, 401.

Haldane, lord, the Manchester Guardian's Defence of, 234. Halifax, Lord, a Quotation Dons, 555. Heudersou, Admiral W. If., on the Loss of the Navel Convoy, 434, Henderson, Mr. on the Ruse. Situation, 74; op hie Visit to Parts, 107; on the Proposed Stockholm Conference, 153 ; the Resignation of, 154. Ilendarson, Sir David. the RetIremeut of, 41/2. Hollenxonerns, Ito Peace with the, 2.

Halland and Scandinavia, British Proclamation Forbidding Exports to, 371. Holland and the Sand and Gravel Problem, 402, Honee, Colonel, a Tribute of Respect to, 555, Trish Boy Scouts, the Arrest of, at Belfast, 667. Irish Convention, the Sinn Feiners and the, 27. Irish Drilling, the Government and, 555. Irieh Situation, the Government and the, 371.

Japanese Ambassador, the, on the German Plan to Embroil Amer.& and Japan, 402,

Killaloe, Bishop of, him Letter in the Freeman's Journal, 347-379.

King, the: and the Changing of the Name of the Royal Howse end Fatuity. 50; Me Fourth Visit to the Western Front, 50 ; and e Distinctive Decoration for the Men of the Old Army, 239-634; Lie Visit to the Clyde, 283 Proclaims January 6th as a Special liay of Prayer, 611.

King and Queen, the, at the Albert Hall Com. momorstIon of the Fired Seven Divieions, 735. Koscluseko's Death, Celebration of the Centenary of, In Loudon, 403.

Labour Party Conference, the, and the Stockholm Conference, 151-179. Labour Party Executive, the and the Stockholm Conference, 154; the Peace Terms of, 154. Lansdowne, Lord, ids Letter to the Daily Telegraph, 634.

Lansing, Mr., his Address to Amerloan Officers, 435, Leaflets, the C-ensership of, 035.

Lee, Lieutenant Joseph, 769. Lee, Sir Arthur, his Gift 01 Chequers Comb to the Nation, 347.

Lincoln' Abraham, the Proposed Gift of a Statue of, 315-759. Lloyd George, 310.: at. Glasgow, 2; ; and the Solo marine Danger, 51 ; at the Queeu's Hall, 74-130; on the French Spirit, 108; in Pod. of Serbia. 131• and the Proposed Stockholm Couferenee, 154; and Lord Haldane, 235• on the Little Nations' Part in History, 269' on the War Outlook, 459; Announces Inmate in Sailors' and Soldiers' Pay, 346; his Mresage of Congratulation to Sir Denglas Haig, 401; ids Reply to Herr von Kiiiilumun, 402 ;at the Albert Hall, 435; his Paris Speech, 553-554; his Viet to Rapallo, 553; ha Conference with the American Mission, 586; at Grey's Inn, 734; he Appeal to Farmer., 758.

LocomoUve Engineers and Femme, the Threatened Strike by the, 179.

Lord Mayor's Banquet, rho, "ate t'suel," 511.

Malcolm, Lieutenant Douglas, the Trial of, for Killing Anton Baumberg, 259.

Man-Power, a Reservoir of, 035.

Ministerial _appointments, New, 170.

Ministerial Changes, 49. Montagu of Beaulieu, Lord, on the Air Problem, 257.

Ifonurneut, a Notable, iu Franee, 170. Morel, Mr. E. 1).. Sentenced to Mx Monthm' Im- prisonment, 235.

National Party, the New, and the Tariff Reform League, 283. National Serf., Sir A. Geddes's Polley of, 283- 340-371.

Naval Council, an Allied, to be Formed, 793. Northcliffe, Lord, his Refusal of the Air Ministry, 587.

O'Grady, Mr., on the Proposed Mockhesins Con- ference, 154.

Orders. BOUM, the Two New, 203-283.

Oxford, the Bishop of, on the Demand for Church Scions:, 371.

Page, 3fr., hie Great Speech at Plymouth, 131. Pea. Offer, a German, to the Belgian Government, 479.

Peace Rumours, 281. Potato Crop, the Jorge, and a Minimum Price, 511. Potatoes. Authorised for Bread-Slaking, 371, Prisoners, British and German, a Comparison of the Numbers of. 666.

Recruiting Scheme, Lord Derby's New, 75. Redmond, ME, IristsAnterisame Adam to, 758. Rhondda, Lord: his Sugar Dierlbution Scheme; 131; his Orden Fixing Prices of Foodstuffs, 235; Extension of the Powers or, 235; hie Concession to Farmers, 371 ; his New Sugar Sehetne, 635; and the Queue Problem, 735 ; Arranges 1 or Every Ship to Carry Foodstuffs, 758; Authorlees Local Food Corn mittenControl Foods, 739,

Itoberteon, Sir W., on the War Outlook, 131-345. Rotbennere, Lord, Appointed Air Minister, 035. Royal Roue and Family, the Changing of the Name of the. 50.

Sailor.' and Soldiers' Pay, Increases in, 346-636. Shop Stewards, the Recognitiou of, In the Enginse lug Trade, 759. sine Fein Leaders cud their German Payuinaters, 555, Stun Fein Party Convention, the, at Dublin, 479. Sinn Feiner.: and the retell Couventiou, 27; Else "The Star.Spangled Banner " 371.

Smote, General: and the Bombing of German Towne 360; at the Albert Hall, 435; at Sheffield, 435. Sortallet and Labour Conference, the Allied, at Caxton Hail, 203. Sounino, Baron, his Speech at the Queen's Hall, 134 W South ales Miner.. the Ballot of, on Releasing Men for the Armv, 311. Stockholm, Prokeed Conference at : British Labour and SatialLste at the, 129-151474 ; the Allied Socialiet and Labour Conference and the, 203; the Trade Unless Congress and the, 234.

Moseley, Mr. St. toe, Resigns Vice-Presidency of Strength 01 Britain Movement, 131. 8111ffnerineCrIMee, the Sallies and FIT elnen and, 179, Sugar Distribution the Scheme of, 131 ; the New Scheme of, 635.

Tariff Reform League, the, and the New National Party, 283, Thomas, SIr. 3. H., his Valuable Speech, 701.

ra Td' Union Congress, the, and the Prepoud Stockholm Conference, 234, VenIzelo., 3f., his Speech at the 3fanslon Houe, 586. War, the Third Anniversary of the, 130.

Ypres, First Battle of. Annivereary of the, 478.


Addison, Dr., on the Work of the 31l0istry of Munitions, 3, Air Defence : Secret Session to Discuss, 20; Dip cussion In the lords on, 26. Air Force Bill, the, 556, Alien /Monica at rgo. Use Queation of, 736. Army, Navy, La Sr., Votes of Timakm to the, 404478. Asquith, Mr.: on the Proposal Inquiry lute the Mesopotamian Report, 50; ou the Germ. Reichstag'. Peace itesnintion, 106; on Labour as the Key of the War Situation, 178; on Mr. Lloyd G000se'm Paris Speech, 580; on the Multiplication of Depart- silents, 758, Balfour, Mr.: on the War Alfas of the Allies. 10651(735; on Secret Diplomacy, 179; on a Pea. Move by Germany, 702.•Beer, increased Output of. 3.

Bonae Law, Mr.: on bin Shipping Investinents, 3 ; Announces Increase in the Output of Beer, 3 ; and We Cabinet, 27; Announces Additional Grant to Old-Age Pensioners, 51 ; on War Expenditure, 51 ; Moses Vote of Credit for R150,000,000, 75; on an Ale Offensive against Gerutany, 403; Moves Vote of Credit for £400,000,000, 479; on the Allied Connell, 554; Announcre Iocremor In Sailors' and Soldiers' Puy, 635 ; Sloyae Vote of Credit for £550,000,000, 703, Carson, Sir 14, his Attack on the Paeifielsts, 735. Cecil, Lord Robert, on an Economic We after Has War, 735,

Chamberlain, Mr., Resigns as Secretary of State for India, 5n. Moreau for Me Men of the Old Anny, 179. Churchill, 3fr., on the Inereaee of 121 per Cent_ In Waged to Tinte-Workers, 035. Clyne., Mr., on the Over-Coneumption of Food, 735. Corn Production Bill, the, 27-5145-179.

Education DUI, SIr. Fisher Introduces the, 155. Fiance Nil, the: Oeueessions on the Entertain- ments and Tobacco Dabs., 3; Shipowners and the nxcese Profits Duty, 3.

Franchise Bill (sec under " Reform Bill "1.

Geddes, Sir Eric : his Statement on the Navy, 509 ; Ida Appeal for labour for the Shipyards, 735. Hardinge, lord, on the lfesopotamith Report, 2,

Iles:Jerson, Mr. and his I Sit to Paris, 107; the Itesignation of, 154.

Irish Vote of Censure, the, 435.

Lambert, Mr. George, his Attack on the Admiralty, 701.

Lloyd George, Mr. on Our Food a:pollee aud Shipping Mo.., 178; and on the Military Situation. 178; on the Irish Situation, 435; !fovea Votes of Thanks to the Army, Navy Me., 478 ; on the Supremo War Council, 554; on hie Pada Speech, 5130; ea Man-Pewee and War Ainw, 758.

MacDonald, Mr. Ramsay, on the Germ. IteldP• tag's Peace Itesolution, 100.

ereopotandan Report, the Proposed Special Comt in regard to the, 27-50.

Montagu, Mr. : on the Government's Indian Policy, 179; and the Ireletue of Mr.. Mount, 403. Munition., linliatry of, Dr. Addleon on the Work of the, 3,

Navy, Sir E, Geddee's Statement, 509, Newton, Lord : on the Arrangement as to Prisoncis of War, 75407 ;the Intolerable Delay, 511. New Ministries Bill, ill, the, 191.

Non-Ferrou Metal Industry 11111, the, 667-701. Oki-Age Peoeionens, Additions,/ Grant to, 51. Peace Debate, the, In the Commons, 511, Pea. Stove by Germany, Mr. lalfour on a, 702, Petroleum 2105 oilier, the Government'. Defeat on the Propomal to Pay, 479,

Prisoners of War, the Agreement with Germany regarding, 75-107.

Reconstruction, the New Ministry of, 134 Itedinond, :11r..• Moves Vote of Ceneare on tho Government's hash Policy, 435; on 111,11 ltrtlh- tribution and the Pruned. Bill, 667.

Reform Bill, the: Proportional Rdpr.entation Rejected, 3.631; the Allemattre Vote, 155-034; the Queution of Ireland and the, 403-667-701 ; Proxy Voting, 470; Women and the Local Cloveronwet Puerta., 587; Conscientious objectors, 587 ; Third Reading of the, 703 ; in the donee of Lords, 734. Rhondda, Lord, on the Control of Food Supplies, 1117. Sailors' and Soldiers' Psy, Inereasre In, 635, Supreme War Council, Sir. Lloyd George on the, 554. Voter of Credit, 75-470-703.

Coln of Thanks to the Army, Neal, Se., 401-478.

[El 0cHost.) CLARE (Eser).-11r. de Valera (Sinn Fein), 27.


Aerial Supremacy, the Struggle for, 1.

Air Itaide, Briti..11, on Ostend and Bruges, 234 ; On Ghent, Se., 257; in Mender., 281413.345401. 483-477.701; on Saarbrileken, die., 401433-4774305. 701 ; on 31annalm, 757.

Air Raid% French : on Stuttgart, Mere, Sr., 282-345.

Air Raids, German on Harwich, I; on London and Foes., 25-26; on Harwich and Fellutowe, 74 ; on the South-East Coast, 153-178234-478; by Zeppelho on Yorkshire Curet, 178; ou Loden, de., 234.313-345-470-080-253; by Zeppelins on London, 484 oar Kent, 707. Aisne Germaii Attacks on the, 1-25-73-105453- 201.201.401 ; Big French Sumas on the, 233 ; General3106tIVII Great Victory on the, 433-477-500.

American Soldiers: Fire Custalti. to, 500; the Burial of, Ref%

Argonne, Fighting in the, 281,

BOtirien likige, the Fighting fur the, 033. Cambial: Sir Julian Eyng'e Victory at, 585; the German Coulter-Attack et, 605401. Casudiaue, Att.1111 Lyn near Lens, 201-233. Chemin des Damea Ridge Evacuate.! by the Genalme, 529.

German Attacks on the British, 130-201. Cups:111er, Captain, the Death of, 313.

Lan, Baikiog Sam. of the Caoadiana at, 153-177.

Ludendorff, Genera], his Orders Enjoining Economy 0I Men and alunitions, 281, 31thin Road, the Battle of the, 313-345. Slessines, the Capture of, 369.

Nlenport, the British Stever. at, 25.

Passchendaele: the Fighting for, 369-401-433-477; the Capture of, 509.551. Prisoners, British and German, the Totals of, 201.

Raids and Countu.Balds, 49-73-233-257.

Feeble German Attacks at, 1-40-105-281-313-313' 1189-401-665-701-733 ; French Successes at, 40-L05. 177-201-257-585.033.

Vim). Ridge, British Advance at, 1.

Ypres: the Third Battle of, 105-153-177; British Progress near, 231-345-309.433.

1Z33e3pper litnos, in RFaMids .by4 3o4n. England, 178.434; the


Baltic, the Fighting in the : Guth Island Taken by the Germans, 408; All the Islands in the Gulf of Riga Captured, 433 ; Ports Bombarded, 477. (loathe: and VoIllynia, the Successful Russian Offensive bt, 1.25 ; the Disaster and Retreat (0, 51-105-,

Kornilolf, General, Retires behind the Lomnitu, 49. Livonia : Rusalen Retreat in, 257; Fresh Russian Attack In, 282-313-345.

Riga, the Evacuation of, by the Russians, 233.

Rumanians Successful Offensive by the. 105; and the End of the, the ; rolling Back of the, 153-177- 201.233 ; New Offeneive by the, 242; Forced to Suspend Illostillties, 703.

Bowden Army, the 31utinles In the, 73.

(Seeill,. under " General Items-Russia.") THE ITALIAN FRONTIER.

Brento.PlUe Line, the Fighting thong the, 585-833- 083-701-733-737.

Italian bloater, the, 4:11.477-554.

Ihdlan Offensive, the Semen( 01 Great, 130-177101s 5133-257-282-313-345.


Air Raids, Briti,h: on the Turkish-German Fleet at Constantiaople, 2u ou Adrianople, 233.

Maredonfa.-Advance by General Sorrell, 257.- French success in, 283.

(See also under "General Items--Greece,")


Africa (East).-The Operations in, 1-73.130.233. 257-583-633.

Australlw-The Detest of the Referendum on Con. eeription, 758.

Canada.-The Near Franchise BIll and Conscientious Objectora, 250.-Sir It. Borden Forms a Coalition 31inIstry, 403.-The Terrible Dluster at Halifax, 703.-The Result of the General 1•Jection, 734. Egypt.-The Death of Sultan Hussein Kernel, 371. Mesopotamia.-The Operations in, I30.-The Victory of Ramedie, 315.-Turks Forced Back on the Jebel Hannin Range, 43:1-British Advance of Twenty Miles, 502.-The Death of SIr Stanley Sande,586.-General :Marshall Takes Command, 63:1,- New Success near 171011 Rabat, 605.-On the Rood to Mosul, 701.

Palectink-Genersi Allenby Takes over the Com- mand, 1.-The Operations 121, 73-130-233.-I1eusheba Captured. flb-Gan Captured, 509.-Asealon Taken, 654.-Jalla Occupied. 565.-Neld 020000 'Height Stormed. 633.-Turkieh Demo-hunt Captured by Australians, SO.-Jerusalem Captured, ,01-731.- Further PLOVOSS, 757.,


• Ariadne,• Cruiser, Sunk, 105.

11,1110, the German Nth-tore, in the, 402.133. Tattle-Cruisers, the New British " Huh I Mush I " 610.

••Belgian Prince,' the Murder of the Crew of the, 130 • City of Athens,' Litter, Sunk off Cape Town, 234. Convou, the German Raids on, 434-510-733. Electrically Controlled High-Speed Boat Destroyed by One Belgian Patrol+, 510.

German Armed Trawlers, Four, Iketroyed off Jutland, 233.

German engin and Ten Patrols Murk In the Kattegat, 510.

German Destroyer and Minc.Sweeper Sunk In the Heligoland Bight, 178.

German light Cruisers Chased In the Heligoland Bight, 585. German Merchantmen Captured off the Dutch Coast, 19.

Hoopital Shire,, Spaeth: Officers to be Carried in, 170. 'Mary Rose • and Strongbow,' Destroyers, Sunk by German Molders, 434.

Ostend Bombarded by the Belgian Coast Patrol, 313.

• Otway,' Armed Merchant Cruher, Sunk, 74.

• permidge; Destroyer, and Four Armed Trawler& Sunk by German ItilitiOrtl, 73.

SearhOteitigh, SahmatIlle Attack on, en.

Skipper Thome Crisp, 11.3.11., Awarded the V.C., 510.

Suhmarine "C34 Sunk, 74.

Submarine Warfare the Allies' tomes from. 1.25-74-105-129-153-178-201-233-257-2,12-313.345-36.- 402-435-478-509.554-586.633.666.701-733; the At. tacks on American Comoys, 1.

Submarines, Admiralty Notes on Encounters with, 280.

Submarines, German, Sunk and Captured, 105. • • • U '1123,' the Ethane of, from Ferrol, 105.

'Vanguard,' Dreadnought Battleship, Blown up at Anchor, 49.

' Austrian Battleship, Snob In Trieste, 701.



beGmoln,ti !gra bgfrIT:: Satisfaction pr:;;,05LtenyG.ov3e1r50ment'a


Cumin, Count, on the Desire for an Honourable Peace, 100, Pope's Peace Note, Austrian Reply to the, 314.


Commercial Relation. with Britain after the War, Inquiry Into, 131.

Germany's Offer of Peace, 479, BRAZIL.

Germany, War Declared on, 479, CHINA.

Coup (TRW, the Imperialist, 2; the Conspire of the, 27.

Germany, War Declared on, 130.

PRANCE. Allied Conference in Paris, the, 634.

Ilalkan 111.1,0, Allied Conference on, In Paris, 105. laarthou, li., hie Statement of Policy, 470. Bolo Pasha, the Arreat of, 370.

Booed Rouge Affair, the, 238.

Centrum, M.: the Case of, 703 ; the Defence of, 750. Clee,encrn, 31. Becomes Premier, 500; and AL Caillaux, 703.

Lloyd George, Mr., his Speech in Paris, 553-554. Long, M., on the thenclency of Food SupplIee, 371. Painieva, 31. on Military Polley, 27; Forme a Ministry, 258; on French War Aims, 202; Rau. streets hie Cabinet, 434 ; the Resignation of, 555. Ribok M.: on Count Ciernin's Allegations, 100; the Resignation of, 258; on (lermenY5, Adv.,ee an to Alsace-Lorraine, 402; Leaves 01,0 Foreign Office, 434.

Socialist Party, the Peace Programme of the, 155.


Belgium, on Offer of Peace to, 479.

t.d.'111.fAnta:NnT;', StVe'rtnelsUnlaorr;

of 403.

Ertherger, Herr, hilt Proposed Peace Formula, 20, Heifferich, Herr, on the Consequences of Unrestricted Sithmarino Warfare, 479. Hulling, Count Appointed Imperial Chancellor, 511 ; his Address to the Reichstag, 667.

Eab,r, tie: SIr. Gerard's Interview with, 155; his Epigram about Heligoland, 314.

Kuhlmann. Herr App

130 ; 00 "Might not t Sector," "Mere,

he only Factor,' 179 ; on the Arreeenent of Government and People on Foreign Polley. 310 ;on Alsace. Lorraine. 370; on 01,0 Freedom- Loving German Government. 667; at the Peace Con- ference at Brest.I.Itovsk 757.

Michaelis, Herr his First Speech as Chancellor, 74; on the French Secret Session, 106; Forms his New Ministries, 130; hie Reply to the Popes Peace Note, 175; Ids Scheme of "'Free Committees." 202; Refuses to Stole German War Aims, 340.

Navy, the Mutiny in the, 370-403.

Peace Resolution Passed by the Reichstag, 74. Popes Peace Note, Oilman Reply to the, 314. Potsdam, the Anstro•German Conference at, on July 5111, 1014, 100.

Tirpitk Admiral v n Germ. Domination over Belgium, 347; ou the Military Situation, 006, GREECE.

Salonika, Disastrous Fire at, 202.

Venixeloe. 31.: on Ills Dittereuces with ex-King Constantine, 202; hie Visit to London. 506.

White Book, the Revelations of the, 002.


Angio-Gerruan War Prisoners' Conference, the, 2. British Cables, the Use of, Refused, 402. Sand and Gravel Question, the, 402.


Allied Couference, the, at Repoli°, 555.

(Month, Signor. on the Need of a Resolute and United Italy, 500.

Orlando. Signor : Forma a Ministry, 478; on

the Alike' War Aims, 734.

Plumed, General, to Command the British Forma, 633.

Pope's Peace Note, German and Austrian Replies to the, 314. Ore also under "The Italian Frontier.") JAPAN.

AMMO. the Agreement with, in regard to China, 510.


Germany, Relations Broken off with, 370, POLAND.

Polish Council of State, Resignation of the, 294.

AusRe 28gency2. Council Appointed by Germany and tria,


Revolution, the, In, 703, RUMANIA, (See under e The Eastern Theatre,") RUSSIA.

Mould!, General, Resign., as Chief of the Staff, 314. Allies' Military Representatives, the Joint Prot.' of the, 666.

Anarchists, the 130100 the Telegraph Agency, 511 ; Petrograd In the Hands of, 355-586-634; Lenin and 'Trotsky Demand No Cessation of Hostilities, 635; and the Constituent Assembly, 70'2, Armistice the Negotiatious for an, 066-703; Signature of an, 734.

Capital Punishment, the Petrograd Soviet and, 234. Constituent Assembly, Result of the Electious to the, 734.

Dukhonin, General, the Murder of, 008, Ex•Tsar Nicholas Sent to Siberia, 178.

Isvoisky, 31., on the Secret ADM-British Treaty, 282. Ketensky, 3I.: Succeeds M. Lena as Prime Minister, 74; Forme a Coalition Ministry, 130; his Spud, at the National Conference, 202; Denounces General Korrilluif as n Traitor. 258 ; and the Soviet Extremists, 280; Forms a New Government, 370; Calls Russia " Worn Out," 610; the F.scape of, 355. Kondloff, General : 1,1. Speech to the National Con- lereneo on the State of the Army 202; Calla on 31. Kerensky to Resign in his Favour, 258 ; his Statement of Ilia Cue, 370; the Escape of, 702.

National Conference, the, In Petrograd, 202.

Peace Confcrenee at Brest-Litovsk, the, 757. Peace Dr. H. Williams on the Desire for 066. Prollskinal Government, the : and thin Allied Conference in Park, 27; Lenin Attempts to Out the, 40.

Secret Treaties. the Publication of, 634, South, the Civil War in the, 734.757.

Soviet, Split In the Ranks of the. 282, (See also under The Eastern Theatre.") SERBIA.

Southern Slav Conference. the, at Corfu. 105.


Germany and Auer's, War Declared on, 74.


Dato, Sc5or, the Resignation of, 479, SWEDEN.

Conservative Ministry. the Resignation of the, 347. Limburg, Count, the Swedith Foreign' Office and the Telegrams of, 258.

Stockholm, the Proposed Socialist Conference at, 129. Vandervelde and do Brouckere, MM., their Statement on the War to the Socialist Committee at Stockholm, 27.


Djavid Bey on the Financial Situation, 347. Germany, *the Alleged Treaty with, of August 4th, 1014, 235.

(See also under " Colonial-Mesopotamia and Peicatinc."/ UNITED STATES. • American Contingent, the First, Arrives in France, 1.

Bryan, Sir. W. J., his Change of Attitude on the War, 203-259.

Exports to Neutrals, the Embargo on, 283.

Gerard, Sir., the ReminIseencea of, In the Deity Telegraph, 155.

Outrun 31InIster to Mexico, the Revelations regard- ing the, 282.

Irish-Americans of Chicago, the Address of, to Mr. Redmond, 758.

Ishii, 'Viscount, on Japanese-American Relations, 340.

Japan, the Agreement with, in regard to China, 510. Labour Organkallons, the, and the War, 234. Lansing. Mk on the German Military Despotism, 108: his Address to AttleriOtO1 Officers, 415, Liberty Loan, Second, Great Success of the, 478. Lincoln, the Proposed Gift of a Statue of, to England. 315.

Lowell, Protestor, on Germany's Lost Colonlee, 283. Luxburg, Count, the Pei/Matter, of the Telegrams of, 258.

Roosevelt, Mr., Reveals the Inner History of the Tenesuelan Abair of 1002, 346.

Seandinula and Holland, Embargo On Exports to, 434.

Wilson. Preeldent his Attitude on Prohibition, ; hie Exporte Embargo Proclamation, 2_6; Signs Aircraft Construction Bill, 74 ; and the 8hipbuilding Controversy, 74 ; hie Reply to the Pope's Peace Note, 200 ; and Suppike to Neutrals, 203; his lotted to Mr. Compere, 2341 Instructs Colonel House and General Bike to Attend the Allied War Council. 080; his Addreei to Congress, 660.

thee also under "The Western Theatre.") OBITUARY.

Egypt, Humph] Kamel, Sultan of, 371.

Grey, Lord, 203.

Holroyd, Sir Clothe., 587. 7aMCOoo, Sir Leander Starr, 631, Maude, Sir Stanley, 586, Primrose. Mr. Nell, 397. Rodin, M., 587.