7 JUNE 1884, Page 1

It is semi-officially admitted that the Shereef of Wazan, a

descendant of the Pkaphet, of vast influence in Morocco, has accepted French nationality, and is calling on the tribes to de- clare against the Sultan. His object, it is believed, is to ascend the throne as a French vassal. Among his wives is a European woman, and he himself knows French and English, as did .Atimoolah Khan, and is altogether one of those Europeanised Asiatics whom experienced men regard with profound distrust. The -French Minister at Tangiers protects him strongly, has made a flying visit to M. Ferry, and has been received on his return as the herald of a new regime. Meanwhile at Madrid the Government believes that M. Ferry, for all his professions, would greatly like to see the Shereef on the throne of Morocco, and that he is quietly demanding the cession of the Oasis of

Figig, the best bit of Eastern Morocco, and the line of the Muleya as a "scientific frontier,"—altogether, say, a fifth of the whole settled portion of the Empire. Unless England is supporting Spain, we shall hear much more of this matter. Morocco would be a grand prize for the Gambettists; and in the last resort, suppose France offered Spain Portugal and her colonies P The " Iberian " cry has very lately been raised in Lisbon.