7 JUNE 1884, page 2

No Doubt Whatever Is Entertained That The Explosions Were...

by American-Irish of the extreme faction,—who, indeed, boast loudly in Paris and New York over their work, and threaten, as usual, that the next explosion shall have far more-......

Lord Salisbury, In The Course Of His Second Speech, Let

fall a curious, and possibly prolific hint. He said that if the House of Commons was to be obeyed by the Lords merely because the majority in favour of a measure was large, it......

On Thursday Lord Salisbury Turned To Domestic Affairs,...

to the Franchise. He did not object to extend the suffrage, though he doubted the demand for it, holding that matter to be of comparatively little importance. What was important......

It Is Announced In A Telegram From Simla, Published In

the Times in large letters, that in the autumn a mixed Russian and English Commission will proceed to the northern border of Afghanistan, in order to define the boundary. This,......

The Matin, A Bonapartist Journal In Paris, Publishes An...

outburst of hatred against England. It pro- fesses to be the work of a Committee of Irishmen in Paris, who demand the sympathy of the world for their " war " against England,......

London Was Again Annoyed On Friday Week, At A Few

minutes past nine, p.m., by three dynamite explosions—one in Scotland Yard and two in St. James's Square. In the former instance the object of attack was the head-quarters of......

The Decision Of The Republican Convention, Which Met At...

on Tuesday, as to their candidate for the Presidency will hardly be known till this afternoon. It is evident that none of the leading competitors, Mr. Blaine, Mr. Edmunds, and......

The Dean Of Westminster Declined To Allow Sir Bartle Frere

to be buried in Westminster Abbey, on the ground of the restricted space now at his disposal. Sir Bartle was, therefore, buried in St. Peal's, on Thursday, in the presence of a......