7 JUNE 1884, page 14

The Irish "coronation Stone."

TpHE Irish have discovered a fresh grievance, and the honourable Member for Ennis is the mouthpiece of their wrongs. Mr. Kenny has given notice that in his place in 'Parliament......


[To TER EDITOR OP THE " EPROTATOR."1 Stn,—Most persons have had some experience of the difficulty of carrying on conversation with those who are more or less "hard of......

"english Bulls."

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Snt,—Your correspondent, " Milesian," has given an amusing and, what is far rarer, a really truthful description of Irish - peculiarities of......

Letters To Me Editor.

THE DEADLOCK IN IRISH LAND. rTo TIM EDITOR OP TRH " SPECTATOR."1 SIE,—May an Irish auctioneer, whose hammer—not that of Thor—has knocked down a considerable amount of......