7 JUNE 1884, Page 24

The Greek Liturgies. Edited by C. A. Swainson, D.D. (Cambridge

University Press.)—Dr. Swainson discusses in the fist chapter of his Introduction the bibliography of the Greek Liturgies ; in the second, "The Liturgical Manuscripts," a department of research in which interesting discoveries have lately been made ; and in the third, the "Authenticity of the Liturgies." In the concluding chapter he states the object of the present edition. An interesting postscript eihibits in juxtaposition certain chapters of the recently discovered Maxi; Troy loroarliAmv, side by side with the lengthened form that they had assumed in the "Apostolic Constitutions." Then follow the "Litur- gies" before given with the "Liturgy of Alexandria," commonly called that of St. Mark. Many others are added, and there is an ap- pendix containing "The Ordinary Canons of the Mass, after the use of the Coptic Church," translated by Dr. B. C. Bezold.