(To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Sta,—The writer of the letter in your last issue on the subject of the inscriptions on the war graves is surely under a mis- apprehension as to the latest regulations of the Commission. I have been 'urging certain things, and have a letter from the Commission informing me that " relatives' additional inscrip- tions ... may include such personal particulars as age, parentage, birthplace, Ac., provided these details. come within the limit of sixty-five letters." Whether the " he." is intended to oover such a detail as the University distinction which your correspondent wishes to be recorded for his eon (as I do for mine) I am not aware, but I am hoping to find the Commis- sion as reasonable in that as in some other suggestions that have been made to them. They must recognize that they are not in a position to be too autocratic in the matter.—I