English Literature During The Last Half.c'entury. By John...
(Macmillan. 108. 6d. net.)—After an introductory chapter showing how social conditions in the last half-century —" a period of extraordinarily rapid transition, political,......
Tee June Moxtnlies.—the Nineteenth Century Opens With...
Russia. Mr. John Pollock emphasizes the danger of the close affiance between Germany and the Bol- sheviks, and M. Leonid Andreev, the Russian novelist, makes an impassioned......
The Lure Of The Pen. By Flora Klickmann. (r.t.s. 7s-
net.)—Miss Klickmann's wide experience of journalism and publishing has qualified her admirably to produce a technical treatise on the art she practises so well, and this volume......
First Advice To Wosti.be Farmers. By F. E. Green. (country
Life Library, Tavistock Street. 5s. net.)--Mr. Green's enthu- siasm for the land is well known. In his latest book ho writes with his usual infectious optimism about small farms......