Military Expenditure.
(To Tan EDITOR OF TOE " SPECTATOR."I Sie,—In your issue of Saturday last Sou say that Germany "will no longer have to endure the burden of lingo arum- meats," obviously a......
The Age Of Confirmation.
ITo Tete. Enrros on TIM " SteesnaoR.,"1 Sta,—Some extreme Sacramentarians, supported by at least one womenos organization, are evidently bent upon advocating the lowering. of......
Bishop. Jeremy Taylor.
ITo THE. EDITOR OP THE SPECEATHIL."3 Ste,—The idea that Jeremy Taylor as Bishop repudiated the principles of his. Liberty of Prophesying is of wide currency. May Igive some......
The Nile At Boiling-p01nt.
ITo THE EDITOR ox THE "SPECTATOR."] SIL —I have just seen an article in the Spectator of May 2ith written by " An Old Resident in Egypt," in which he alludes to a student having......
The British Ambassador For Washington. Ito The Editor ,...
" SPECTATOR."] Ste,—The American people have always looked up to England as the country from which they received their language, laws, literatures and education. The United......