The Bill to give-effect to the Montagu-Chelmsford-.Report on Indian -reforms
was introduced in the House of Commons on Thursday week. Like • so many modern Bills, it provides a framework which the. India. Office is empowered to fill up by means of rules. In regard to the Provincial Governments, as we have already stated, the hopeless confusion that will result from the co-existence of responsible and irresponsible Ministers in the same Government is to be averted or lessened by
the Governor power to override or dismiss any Minister, whether official or non.official. The Governor may also authorize expend!. ture to which the local Legislature refuses its assent. Similarly the Governor-General may disregard the All-India Assembly in cases of emergency and pass laws through the Council of State. It' in clear from the despatches published on-Monday that the Indian Government regard the " diarchy " with grave misgiving, and- disapprove in particular of the Feetham Committee's pro. posal to entrust secondary and higher education, as a " trans- ferred• subjeot," to the care of untried native Ministers. But Lord-Chelmsford should -have. protested, before ho signed the Report.